Saturday, August 3, 2024

Vacation (all I ever wanted 🎶)

C'mon! You know that song! We all sing it while we're getting ready for a relaxing respite from the rigors of reality. While we are prepping and packing for the funtimes ahead, we all plan for the best and wonder how long until we will tire of our families...

Some of us crafters knit (or crochet) to bring some fun with us,

and sometimes the kids love the new things, yay! (Sometimes they could care less, and sometimes they play different than the plan, still fun!)

We arrived at our location on Monday, and scoped out all the spaces for fun, especially Pop Pop's lap!

Everyone figured out where they were they were sleeping pretty quick. (5 bedrooms in this AirBnB, including bunkbeds for brothers and cousins!)

Then it was on to the fun! Sometimes the fun is in having two sets of grandparents on vacation with you...

...and sometimes it's getting the wine opened, even though you couldn't find the corkscrew! 

While we were in Traverse City, we did some window shopping, and some regular shopping...

...and the boys did what boys do while they wait on the girls. The boys held onto the credit cards!

Besides the shopping, there was sightseeing at Sleeping Bear Dunes... ops...

...playing in the sand, and running up and down so many hills! 

There were even places to climb and shout to Gramma, while your cousin joins you on the ledge and your ever-vigilant Pop Pop keeps you both safe! (Hold 'em tight, Pop Pop!)

(On trips with Grammy and Pappy, I also love knowing that someone else will be taking photos. Photos of photogs are fun, for sure, too! Thanks, Pap!) 

Other fun outings included putt-putt at Pirate's Cove, where everyone played, 

even the booty-dancin' little guy!

Back at the house, there was swimming (no photos of swimming, phones and pools are not a good combo), playtime, and time to just chill with some of our favorite people! 

I even managed some knitting, cranking out 4 cousin Izzys before the end of the trip! The boys love them, so that's a win! 

The cousins had some yarn play, too, making a "blanket" for Grammy! Hahahahaha! 

In between outings, and in the evenings, the boys also enjoyed rocket balloons, parachute games, and more running! 

Of course there were meltdown moments, but there were lots of smiles! 

These final photos, before we all headed home on Friday (back to life, back to reality 🎶), had us all a little sad that vacation was over...

...but Boy!, it was a great week! Thanks to my daughter and her hubby for coordinating it all, 

and thanks to everyone for bringing their best to our vacation! I wish it wasn't over 😪, but I sure did enjoy sleeping in my own bed last night, and I had sweet dreams of the new memories we all made together. It was so good that even the toys were smiling! 

I hope you have had the chance to enjoy some of your favorite people this summer, too! If not, there's still time...and even if it's just a day-trip or stay-cation, I hope you have so much fun!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Oh! There was 1 by the pool!

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