Saturday, August 17, 2024

Throwback Saturday?

No storms this week! Hooray! Double hooray because I had a semi-outdoor event to attend last night, and rain threatened but did not wash us out. Thanks to Curt and all who came out for an impromptu, semi-reunion of the Brunswick HS Class of 1986!

This was not all of us, but it's almost everyone who attended the meet-up (minus a couple of spouses and a few who graduated a year or two before or after), and we had such a nice time remembering and making new memories.

Here, I'll confess something I told Dan while we were chatting: I almost didn't go, and I very nearly left before I should have. I didn't know too many of the folks who responded to the Facebook invite that came up just three weeks ago, and so I almost let this opportunity to connect with my past pass me by. But I'm so glad that I stepped on that fear and went anyway. 

I graduated with between 500-600 of my best friends...not! There is no way I would have known all of those people, and when I arrived, I only recognized about half of the faces I saw. But it was still a small crowd, so I grabbed a beer and hung around. As I chatted and listened, I confirmed my suspicion that this was not a crowd I hung around with back in high school. But gosh, They were fun! 

There was a slightly awkward moment when the guy next to me leaned in and said quietly, "I think I might've picked on you in school...," but I didn't even remember that, so I told him so. Just like that he was off the hook, and he was wonderful company during the evening!

Later on I was glad to see a friend I thought I'd miss (Patty knew she wouldn't arrive until later, and I wasn't sure how long I'd stay); and I caught up with a friend I didn't expect to see at all! Larry, I still have three drawings you did for me in high school...

It's good to be a grown-up in an adolescent world. It's good to reconnect with people who remember the way it was for us, before this age of technology. It's good to celebrate the fact that we survived our own youthful foibles and flub-ups to become parents and grandparents. It's great to forgive past offenses, known or not, and forge new(-ish) friendships!

Wherever you are in your journey, friends, be sure to celebrate. Celebrate what you can from your past. Celebrate the right now at every opportunity. Celebrate all of the promises our future holds, and pray that we don't become bitter because the "good old days" are gone. Get together with people you have something in common with and make new memories for tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you are well. Drop a comment, if you'd like to say hello. And, if you knit, Knit in Good Health!

Psst! As long a we're talking about the 80s, and since this is kindof a craft blog, here's a little something I put together for a friend who is moving. It has a real vintage vibe, no? Lolz...

(Note, she is NOT moving to the
mission fields of Malawi!) 

1 comment:

  1. 💕🌼 Good to see you my friend. I will not miss the next one...


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