Saturday, February 24, 2024


This week has felt...precarious, at best. I've shared here, maybe over-shared at times, about my in-laws and the weird ways that our extended families relate to one another...and there has been much family relating this week. 

My father-in-law has been in less than optimum health for some time. At 85, he has trouble keeping his diabetes under control, so he ends up in the hospital once or twice a year to get things straightened out. This time, the hospital visit came with some heart troubles, and things don't look great. Sweetie's week has been full of difficult conversations and more emotions than he is used to, in general, and mine has too.

Sweetie's mom and dad have been married since 1964, so these moments are hardest on her. With all that this family went through in 2016 (if you don't know, go back and read some of my posts between Feb-April of that year) watching Grandpa's health decline is hard on our nephews, too. Add in difficult talks about next steps that may mean imminent goodbyes, and precarious is a great word for this week.

That's not to say that there have not been good moments along the way. I asked Dad what year he and Mom got married, making conversation that I hoped would bring him some joy. His eyes lit up and filled with tears as he told us about meeting and marrying Mom, and how she "was the prettiest girl I ever saw," and "She still is!"

I'm glad they've had the chance to spend some time together this week. It's so difficult when they have to be apart, since they both have mobility issues... and we really can't say when he will be able to go home. 

And there's been some knitting...mostly on my sock, since that's the best for portable, hospital knitting. 

Tomorrow is never guaranteed, so we are trying to not put off loving our loved ones as well as we can, while we can...and we remember that, despite all this, God is still good.  I hope that you will do the same.

Thanks for stopping by, and thank you to all of the friends who have reached out and checked in with us along the way. 

Knit and Love in Good Health, friends! 

Our youngest grand, my daughter and my photo to close a hard week.

Saturday, February 17, 2024


During the pandemic years, many people made sourdough bread...for fun. Dutch ovens and proofing baskets and mason jars were purchased, and there were varying degrees of success posted to social media. So, when I was offered a sourdough starter, I gladly accepted. 

And then I made sourdough, with varying degrees of success,  though I did not buy any new equipment to make that happen. Mostly, I enjoyed the process, and the bread...the bread that sometimes took two days to prepare for the baking. Two, labor-intensive days of measuring and mixing and checking and folding and checking and shaping and resting before baking, with constants stops to wash the sticky dough (and all of the moisture) from my fingers and hands. 

The bread is good, but I'm not sure it's worth the 48-hours of attention I've lost to it. It's really more of a hobby than a recipe.

Today, as the snow continued to gracefully and lightly accumulate, 

I made French bread with yeast. It took about three hours, and the most labor-intensive part was 8-10 minutes of kneading. This bread will be every bit as good as the sourdough, and we will gobble up every crumb over the next few days...yummm! 

Some things are worth hours and days of my time and a handknit sweater, or pair of socks...

Or watching my grandkids jump off the end of the slide in the backyard, until they have tired of shouting, "Watch me! Look at me, Gramma!"

I'm not really soured on sourdough, but I think I'll save my attention for knitting and playtime and recipes for French bread (and sweet rolls and fresh, white bread).

If you have a starter, and you look forward to making and eating sourdough regularly, I am so glad for you and your bread hobby! If you'd ever like to learn to knit or crochet, I'd be happy to help you get started with that hobby, too.

Whatever you give your time to, may it bring you great joy! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Sometimes, my joy comes from a
ceramic chicken dish on the table.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Hearts and Turtles

Because that's what Valentine's Day is all about, right? Hearts...

...and turtles!

Well, maybe it's not hearts and turtles, but these multi-colored baby turtle tummies look a little like flower petals, LOL!

Do you have any plans for Valentine's Day? What about the Big Game? I'll be knitting...errr, crocheting a Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce-inspired item using this yarn...

Because the Girlie who wears the Swiftie Socks is totally knitworthy! 

All the grandkids are knitworthy, but this one also has a phone, and she texts me photos of her handknits in action! 

I ❤️ this Girlie (and her sisters and her cousins and their parents) with all of the hearts and turtles! Maybe a flower or two, too. 

And I love that you've popped in today, so thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Fall Frolic, cast on this month.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Joy and Beauty and Knitting

When we moved from our old house to this condo, one of the things I lamented leaving behind was our front porch. 

With red brick risers and concrete steps, outdoor photos in daylight were full of texture and background color that was neutral enough to show off hand knits pretty spectacularly...

...especially tiny things and toys.

Since moving here, I have learned to appreciate the airy, openness and natural light of our many windows for bright and beautiful photos...

...and our white countertops have been the background for many photos of smaller items.

But I think the item I enjoy the most in the backdrops of my knitting photos is my chunky coffee know, where the pig lives! 

As a matter of fact, that pig and his sweater show up a LOT in the pictures, lol! But this isn't about the pig. 

This is about blooming where one is planted. There are plenty of things I did not like about the old house: dark corners, small rooms, weird layout. And there are plenty of things I'm still not really used to in this condo: nowhere to "hide," overly bright light fixtures, and a little too much "road noise" from the highway.

Yet there is beauty and joy to be found wherever I am. Not because everywhere I go is beautiful, but because I want to find the beauty wherever I am. Finding beauty in the mundane brings me joy, so I will keep looking. 

What small things bring you joy? Whatever they are, I hope that you are finding that joy, savoring it and storing up a bit for the days and nights that are a little more "dark and stormy." Maybe you've even found some joy in this post, and if you have, I'm so glad. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!