Saturday, June 26, 2021

Chaos Coordinated?

Some have dubbed me the "Chaos Coordinator." Most notably, my boss...during a pandemic. At first, I didn't see it like others did. I mean, I know that I find chaos uncomfortable, and I know that I am a textbook version OCD/type-A personality, but I thought I had it under control. Then I started working on a puzzle. 

It's been years since I've really worked a hard puzzle. Well, there was the one I started at my son's house last summer, but my OCD cannot say that I "worked" it, because I left it unfinished. And I left a piece of my soul behind with that unfinished Harry Potter puzzle (a gift for my Potter-fied, 10-year-old Peanut!).

When I started this puzzle, I had plans of working on it until it was finished. Of course, at the same time (words every knitter "loves" to read), I started a sweater (now finished) 

and I was planning on attending a knitting retreat several states away. Guess what? I left on Tuesday, and the puzzle was not finished. Not. Finished. 

I may or may not be twitching, but I did not bring the puzzle with me. Of course, since I am leaving behind two cats, 

I knew that I could not leave the puzzle out either. And since I don't have a puzzle mat to slide under a sofa (heck! up until two months ago, I didn't even have a decent table to work a puzzle on!) I did the only thing I could think of to manage the chaos. 

I took apart each of the four corners, and slipped the pieces in labeled baggies, to make putting it back together a little less tedious when I get home. 

Chaos currently coordinated, or something like that. 

I am still in Minnesota today, and I will return home tomorrow. This has been an awesome time with friends and yarn, and friends with yarn! I almost wish it would never end, but then I think about getting back to that puzzle...and I realize why I love it so much.

So much of this life is puzzling, chaotic and totally out of my control. A puzzle is something I can do to create order from chaos, and I love the sense of accomplishment that comes from finally finding that one piece and slipping it into place. So satisfying! Puzzle therapy, if you will. Again, I am looking forward to getting back to it!

Knitting all the yarn also does that for me, so I am glad to be returning home with a little "stash enhancement" today! (More details on this next week...I promise!)

What do you like to do when it feels like everything is out of control? Do you just go with it and spin? Do you meditate? Do you like a good puzzle, or maybe a strong drink? How do you cope? If you're still figuring that out, do you want to come help me with my puzzle this week? You can bring your knitting...

Yes or no, I am glad that you stopped by today. I hope your day is good and that you will Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Super, Super Saturday!

The best part of being a grandparent is the super, super smiles.

Even our non-local grands send us smiles in the mail, and we love all of them with super, super love we never really knew was possible before they came along!
(By the looks of these letters, the feeling is mutual...)

Other great things are that you can finally let go of the super, super stress of "Am I doing it right?" that comes with parenthood. We don't worry too much about that, we just focus on the next adventure...
(Color this turtle "not impressed.")

the next trip to the have 13 seconds to watch this, right?
(He is saying, "Let's see how high I can go! 
And I go super, super high! Whoa-ho-ho!"

the next climb up the super, super high tree...

the next run through the sprinkler... 

and the next trip to see the out-of-towners! (Which will be super, super soon...I promise to share girl faces here then!)

One of the really great things about being a knitter and a grandma is being able to knit little sweaters that finish up super, super quick!

All that's left for this one is the collar and the zipper, then my grandson will have his "How 'bout Rainbow" sweater to wear! I've even woven in the ends already! I've even woven in the ends already! 

Now, off I go to do some more super, super fun things with the super, super grandsons! I hope you have a super, super day!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Busy, busy Saturday! Cleaned, cleaned, and cleaned some! Now we're off to snuggle a couple grandsons, and I almost forgot about the blog! So, my apologies for this short, disheveled post from my phone, but here are a couple highlights from the week:

Craft room decorated? Check! 
Rainbow Sweater started for grandson number one? Check!
Driveway poured by builder? Check!
I suppose it's been a busy, busy week! And now the cat is ready to relax and worry about whether the corner of this rug will ever lay flat...hahaha!
I hope your week has been productive, and that your Saturday has brought you some joy! I'll be back next week, probably with more words (and pictures)

Until then, thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Woolapalooza 2021!

Breaking out of the Pandemic, our beloved Great Lakes Fiber Show returned this year, and the little knitting group that could had our first public adventure together in over a year. It was a blast! 

The start of the day was a little unsure, as wind and rain had pelted northeast Ohio all day Friday last week, and more was predicted for Saturday. Still, we pressed on, determined to see all the yarns we could and have fun! #yarngoals #friends #turnaroundforapicture
(Pictured: That time I yelled, "Turn around for our first picture!," but only half of them heard me.)

I do love to document the fun, and there is usually an arrival selfie. But first the setup... #smile
(Is she taking it? I think so,

Then the perfect shot! 
(Wait! Where did Andrea go??? Ugh! Oh, well...)

It was a chilly day, though it did not rain, and we had such a good time. We saw sheep...
(And a random guy in the back also saw the sheep... #photobomb)

We shopped outdoor vendors... 
#yarnbyrds #yarntruck
We shopped indoor vendors... 
#decisionsdecisionsdecisions #leadingmenfiberarts
Alice bought a hat!
(As you do, when it's that cold and you did not bring your own. FYI, even in NE Ohio, it should NOT be this chilly on May 29th! #butwedidgettowearsweaters #knitterwin)

And there is this picture of me and Diana that I keep, even though it shows several of my chins, because Diana looks fantastic (as per usual)!
(There's the Pretty selfie we all know and! #badanglesareus #imprettytoo)

Finally, in agreement with Alice, we decided that it WAS cold (the high temp that day was 52°F), and we were about shopped out. So, we headed out for lunch. #toochillytositintheparkinggrassthisyear
We headed to lunch, then a little side trip into Amish Country, then home to sort through the newly acquired stash! And just about the time I remembered that I don't have that fantastic porch for photo shoots any more, I also remembered these granite countertops! Ooooohhhhhhhh!
All in all, another great trip to Woolapalooza, and we can't wait to do it again next year! Of course, we will keep knitting (and looking for more fun opportunities to laugh together) until then! If you knit, and you're local to me, come join us!

Oh, and gratuitous pics of grandkids, because, well...LOOK AT THEM! Sooooo cute!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!