Saturday, July 27, 2024

X-es and Ohs

Between VBS and work, I was sure hoppin' last week!

(I don't think this frog dances...)
But this week has been super-chill, which I am so thankful for! It's given me the chance to get out into nature...

To see the birds and the bees,

(We saw this eagle fishin'!)

and the flowers and the trees... 

(Mmmmm...sweet, sun-warmed berries!)
You know the good stuff of summer! I've even had a moment to knit something fun...I mean, who doesn't love a balloon dog?

(The pig apparently loves the balloon dog!)
I'm also currently working on a crochet project I hope to take on our next family vacation! Hence the X-es and Ohs in today's blog title!

Eventually, it should be a soft, portable,  washable tic-tac-toe game for the kiddos! For now, this single X and O are waiting patiently for friends and a place to sleep. It shouldn't take too long! 😉

That's about all I'm up to at the moment, and it's good to have a bit of "down time" on these lazy, summer days. I hope you are finding some down time in your life, too. I assume you are, since you're here! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

One more...
outdoor Sunday school!
It's the best!

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