Saturday, July 27, 2024

X-es and Ohs

Between VBS and work, I was sure hoppin' last week!

(I don't think this frog dances...)
But this week has been super-chill, which I am so thankful for! It's given me the chance to get out into nature...

To see the birds and the bees,

(We saw this eagle fishin'!)

and the flowers and the trees... 

(Mmmmm...sweet, sun-warmed berries!)
You know the good stuff of summer! I've even had a moment to knit something fun...I mean, who doesn't love a balloon dog?

(The pig apparently loves the balloon dog!)
I'm also currently working on a crochet project I hope to take on our next family vacation! Hence the X-es and Ohs in today's blog title!

Eventually, it should be a soft, portable,  washable tic-tac-toe game for the kiddos! For now, this single X and O are waiting patiently for friends and a place to sleep. It shouldn't take too long! 😉

That's about all I'm up to at the moment, and it's good to have a bit of "down time" on these lazy, summer days. I hope you are finding some down time in your life, too. I assume you are, since you're here! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

One more...
outdoor Sunday school!
It's the best!

Saturday, July 20, 2024


How does one follow a post about puppy love and family funtimes?

With Vacation Bible School, of course!

We Set Sail at Avon UMC for 5 days of songs, crafts, games and all kinds of crazy fun!

On the last night of VBS, even parents and little brothers were invited to join the chaos, amd everyone had a ridiculously good time!

I've spent the last two days recovering and knitting...working up a quick housewarming gift,

and starting in on a pair of socks and a rainbow, balloon dog (as one does, when requested by a 5-year-old)

Not sure how that last one is going to end up, but I'm hopeful that it will be fun! I mean, who doesn't love a balloon amimal? And this one should not, ever!

This summer has been nonstop, and I'm occasionally struggling to find some down time. But I am hopeful that the coming week will be a little slower-paced...after all, I have some knitting to get done!

How has your summer been? Whether it's been "fast and furious" or "slow and steady," I hope you've had small moments of calm along the way. When you've spent all your time and energy doing for others,  peace and joy can be the fuel that fills your emotional gas tank. That's what I wish for the rest of your summer. 

Maybe try to catch a butterfly!
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Cousins and Grandkids and Funtimes: Oh, My!

There hasn't been much knitting this week, but I'm ok with that...and this is the reason: 

All the kids have had some great cousin time, and we've had fun hanging out with them all together, too! 

There's been playground time, 

Dinners together, 


and even times to borrow handknit socks from Gramma, to help them slide smoothly down the stair-slide, without stopping! 

In the middle of it all, I SAW DONNY OSMOND IN CONCERT last Saturday!

Jess and I went to Akron, and we had the best time!

So, yeah! Very little knitting, but SO MUCH FUN!!!

I hope you've had some fun with your family and friends this Summer!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Yankee Doodle Dandy

I was not born on the Fourth of July, but the party was a Yankee Doodle Dandy, for sure! Hats off to Aaron and Jess for hosting a holiday get-together filled with games, water balloons, fireworks (little ones) and family!

Check out Uncle Allen's Pretty-made!
Those first three collections of photos came at the hands of everyone's favorite Pappy,

Thanks, Pappy!
because I didn't take too many pictures! I was busy making festive finger jello

and running through the sprinkler! There is no photo evidence of Pretty doing this, however, but here's a shot of Aunt Jess (my inspiration) running through with the fun kids!

After that, there are these pictures of the people who changed into dry, Aunt Jess clothes! Who wore it best?

Ok, ok...the little guy is wearing his own clothes!
But he HAD to get in on these!
There were so many fun moments, and I didn't even remember to take pictures of any of the food that was not jello (Pretty-fail!) but we all had a blast!

Water, hair chalk, posing, and secret texts...
Even when this guy was just chillin' out, taking a break from the action, he was sugared-up and living the good life!

I hope that your holiday was a fun one, if you were celebrating with us in the US! If it wasn't, I hope that your weekend will make up for any fun you might have missed. Even if you're just chillin' out, waiting for a storm to subside, I wish you all the best for the rest of the summer, friends! Maybe you can catch up on some knitting while you chill??? (There has not been much knitting for me so far this weekend...a lot of water balloons on Thursday, though! Lol!)

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!