Saturday, July 20, 2024


How does one follow a post about puppy love and family funtimes?

With Vacation Bible School, of course!

We Set Sail at Avon UMC for 5 days of songs, crafts, games and all kinds of crazy fun!

On the last night of VBS, even parents and little brothers were invited to join the chaos, amd everyone had a ridiculously good time!

I've spent the last two days recovering and knitting...working up a quick housewarming gift,

and starting in on a pair of socks and a rainbow, balloon dog (as one does, when requested by a 5-year-old)

Not sure how that last one is going to end up, but I'm hopeful that it will be fun! I mean, who doesn't love a balloon amimal? And this one should not, ever!

This summer has been nonstop, and I'm occasionally struggling to find some down time. But I am hopeful that the coming week will be a little slower-paced...after all, I have some knitting to get done!

How has your summer been? Whether it's been "fast and furious" or "slow and steady," I hope you've had small moments of calm along the way. When you've spent all your time and energy doing for others,  peace and joy can be the fuel that fills your emotional gas tank. That's what I wish for the rest of your summer. 

Maybe try to catch a butterfly!
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

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