Saturday, July 6, 2024

Yankee Doodle Dandy

I was not born on the Fourth of July, but the party was a Yankee Doodle Dandy, for sure! Hats off to Aaron and Jess for hosting a holiday get-together filled with games, water balloons, fireworks (little ones) and family!

Check out Uncle Allen's Pretty-made!
Those first three collections of photos came at the hands of everyone's favorite Pappy,

Thanks, Pappy!
because I didn't take too many pictures! I was busy making festive finger jello

and running through the sprinkler! There is no photo evidence of Pretty doing this, however, but here's a shot of Aunt Jess (my inspiration) running through with the fun kids!

After that, there are these pictures of the people who changed into dry, Aunt Jess clothes! Who wore it best?

Ok, ok...the little guy is wearing his own clothes!
But he HAD to get in on these!
There were so many fun moments, and I didn't even remember to take pictures of any of the food that was not jello (Pretty-fail!) but we all had a blast!

Water, hair chalk, posing, and secret texts...
Even when this guy was just chillin' out, taking a break from the action, he was sugared-up and living the good life!

I hope that your holiday was a fun one, if you were celebrating with us in the US! If it wasn't, I hope that your weekend will make up for any fun you might have missed. Even if you're just chillin' out, waiting for a storm to subside, I wish you all the best for the rest of the summer, friends! Maybe you can catch up on some knitting while you chill??? (There has not been much knitting for me so far this weekend...a lot of water balloons on Thursday, though! Lol!)

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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