Saturday, July 13, 2024

Cousins and Grandkids and Funtimes: Oh, My!

There hasn't been much knitting this week, but I'm ok with that...and this is the reason: 

All the kids have had some great cousin time, and we've had fun hanging out with them all together, too! 

There's been playground time, 

Dinners together, 


and even times to borrow handknit socks from Gramma, to help them slide smoothly down the stair-slide, without stopping! 

In the middle of it all, I SAW DONNY OSMOND IN CONCERT last Saturday!

Jess and I went to Akron, and we had the best time!

So, yeah! Very little knitting, but SO MUCH FUN!!!

I hope you've had some fun with your family and friends this Summer!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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