Saturday, August 6, 2022

Universal Truths

This week, I found that there are still things that are universally true. For example, if you grow a pretty flower, and you post a picture to Facebook, someone, somewhere will agree with you that the flower is pretty. Maybe someone else won't be impressed, but that's ok. This week, I got to "chat" with a friend in Japan who also loves the simple beauty of Morning Glory blooms!

Also, if you throw something sticky at the ceiling, it will stick to the ceiling. I guess I didn't realize how sticky this little kawaii squishy chicken was...until the three-year-old whipped it up to the ceiling with most of his strength! He thought it would bounce down hard, and we were both surprised that this chick just hung there for a rest! Hahaha!

Oh! And if one knits a green dinosaur, it will be universally accepted, without question. But, if one knits a rainbow dinosaur, well...there will be questions. This knitter doesn't care. Bring on the questions!
Does he like crunchy, cheese snacks? Well, did you see his yellow paws?

But watch out, he also likes coffee. Hey! Get away from there, Cheese-Paws!

Too late. Lol...

Oh, and if you go to the beach with kids, even if you don't plan to go into the water...

...those littles will find a way to be completely wet and covered in sand! 

(Both of the bigger boys looked like this, but that middle kid is too fast for my camera! And, if you're worried, the baby and I stayed off the sand. We were only covered in sweat...ha!)

Lastly, and perhaps the most universal truth I learned this week is this: If you ask a child who is drawing a "Pirate Map" whether there are sharks in the water, you will soon be singing Baby Shark while the mommies in the room roll their eyes! I did not take a picture of this moment, but if you are a parent...or a grandparent, an aunt or an uncle, or a child-care worker in any know the truth of this one!

Hmmm, I can't explain it, but I have a sudden urge to knit a baby shark. Who'd a-thunk it?!? 

::Ummm, anyone who has ever known you, Pretty!::

Hahaha! That's right! I know that's right!!! <smacks leg, rolls over with laughter!> I don't think it's a universal truth, but it is a very truth-y truth, to be sure! 

There is one more truth I'd like to end with, and that is this: Most people, in most places, will respond to kindness with kindness. So be kind this week, friends! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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