Saturday, June 4, 2022

Woolapalooza and More!

Memorial Day weekend has turned into quite the event in our lives. Not only is it the day for Woolapalooza (aka - the Great Lakes Fiber Show), it's also a weekend that our son and his family come in for golf and grandparents! That means we had 5 grandchildren in the same town, at the same time, for a short window of playground climbing,


(and trying not to look at Gramma!)

and snuggles from boys who are just too young to even think about fighting it yet (sigh of contentment here)!

It was also a weekend full of girl-attitude and board games,

long hair rolling down a hill,

and trying to get more than one of them looking at the camera at the same time!

Hey! No attacking the photo-Gramma!

Climbing "mountains" with Pop Pop was part of the plan, too...conquerors are they!

Of course there was yarn,

and starting selfies from Woolapalooza,

and ending selfies from same (with Pretty photobombing her own shot? Lol...),

quickly followed by lunch with margaritas,

after all the yarn fumes had been properly fumed. Like I said, it was quite the weekend! Right Jenny? Riiight...

This weekend is just a bit quieter, but I'll still have some knitting on hand. Somebody has to knit the tiny Triceratopses...

After all, the boys live in town EVERY weekend...and let's be honest...when am I not knitting toys? Oh! That's right! When I'm knitting socks... Socks ahoy!

So, that's where we are. The world is a big and sometimes scary I'll just be over here, in my little corner, with all the brightly-colored yarns and plans to keep knitting joy and loving all of them the best that I can. What will you be doing?

Whatever it is, thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your weekend, and Knit in Good Health!

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