Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Hat and a Helper

Sometimes a knitter's gonna knit, knit, knit, knit, knit.
and a kitty's gonna sit, sit, sit, sit, sit...very close to the knitter.

I guess I can shake that off, especially since I managed to get this hat finished in just a few days. :)

I was going to block it on that ball, but I was hoping the blocking would add more length, rather than girth, to the hat, so I've now pinned it out to dry. :)

Now, to get to the red, white and blue crochet...hmmm what could it be???

You'll just have to wait, wait, wait, wait, wait to see! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I. Am. Finished.

Finished. I am finished with this.

I am finished with this.

And I am finished with this.

But I'm still knitting these!

Hi. My name is Pretty, and I knit. I knit a lot.

What's keeping you busy this summer?

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Power Shuffle

I told you on Wednesday that there were precious few moments of knitting this week. However, we did The Power Shuffle nearly every night at VBS, and last night we ended with an ice cream social! So, in short, it was a really awesome week, even though my only knitting was 9 hexipuffs...and today I am tired! Oh, there will be knitting content in the next few posts, but all I've got to share for now is a little power shuffle...

...and a tiny shuffle through my stash, where I found some purple yarn. 

Purple yarn is the best remedy for a shuffled-out Pretty, so off I go to rest my shuffle-ers and start something that I can tell you more about next time! I hope your weekend is good, and that it is filled with funtimes and those that you treasure most. Say hi to Dad for me tomorrow!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Nine Lives, in Leftovers...

It's VBS week at my church, and I am the secretary, and I love VBS, so I volunteered for VBS every night this week, and even on very little sleep, I can still write a pretty good run-on sentence! However, when the knitter leaves the house for work at 8am, and doesn't return home until around 9:30pm for 5 days in a row, not much knitting gets done! lol! Even so, I've managed to knit 9 hexipuffs in the last couple of weeks, and here they all are:

Before they were hexis, they came from nine very different lives...socks, sweaters, name it! I've sure enjoyed the memories as I've knit each one...
1 is in a sweater and hat I knit for Peanut, when she was pretty small.
2 is in a hat for Mork.
3 is in Christmas socks. Remember the Christmas socks?
4 is in a pair of kid socks from 2007! That's some old leftovers!
5 is in Peanut socks, and Sweet Pea socks, and booties for a baby or two!
7 is in Bob socks.
8 is in Snake socks that remind me of peanut butter and chocolate.
9 is in my new favorite shawl/scarf!

These nine bring my total up to 175 hexipuffs, by the way - go, me! (For what it's worth, I need 225 more. I know. Crazy puffs, right?!?)

Now it's time for me to get to work. I've got a lot to do before 6:30 rolls around, and this crowd is once again in front of me, ready to Conquer Challenges with God's Mighty Power! 

Happy Hump Day! Happy VBS week! Happy everything to you! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

That's not EVERY DAY?!?

I was wandering around on the internet this morning, and I read something that I know I've seen before...and even though I know I've seen it before (so it is obviously a thing), I can't help but wonder: Do we need to declare a special day to knit in public?

Well, whether we need it or not, today is Worldwide Knit in Public Day, and from the articles and links online, I have to assume that a myriad of knitters will be participating. I suppose that's a good thing...but it's also good to knit in public on any Saturday in the park...

or any Tuesday at the doctor's office...

or any Thursday at work (or knit night at the church)...

or any day, really! Inside or out, it's always a good day to knit in public!

But today is a recognized day to get knitters out from under their cats, and knitting somewhere other than on their own sofas. =/

I suppose that's a good thing. I mean, I do like to knit on the sofa, under my cat...but it's also good to get out into the world and see people. Most of my non-knitting friends and family won't ask me why I'm knitting wherever we go on any given them, and to me, and maybe to you (if you're a knitter), it's a given. If I'm sittin', I'm knittin',* even if there is no designated day. 

Happy Worldwide Knit in Public Day to you and to your knitting!

Now, GO! Knit in Public, and in Good Health!

*While I know that some do, I do not walk with my knitting. I am simply not that coordinated...some days I don't even walk well WITHOUT my!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Super Weekend!

On Saturday, while you were reading about my FaceTime experiences with my darling Peanut, Pop Pop and I were having actual face-time with Peanut and Sweet Pea! Turns out there was a last-munite opportunity for a weekend of baby smiles...

...Super Peanut (of course I brought her a super-hero cape and mask)...

...beagle belly...

...shocking photos (that flash is bright, Gramma!)... in the sun (when told to "be careful" running and climbing, she replied, "Fun is more important than careful, and Fun is my middle name!!!," with an impish grin)...

...Pop Pop snuggles...

...and ice cream from Sweet Frog!

Man! We had a great time! And, even though Super Peanut has boundless energy for Tumble Tots... 

...and for knitting... seems that I still have my own super powers in tact. (I am a whiz at putting her to sleep. I'm not sure if this means she is super comfortable with me, or just bored, but I'll take it when I need a nap!)

She just passed out while we were playing Tap the Bubble on my Kindle! lol! A visit from the grandparents will wear everyone out...Pop Pop and I even took a little nappy-poo on Saturday! 

It was a great weekend! Now it's hump day, and I am getting through my week with memories of back yard knitting in the morning,

and tiny, tumble feet.

I sure love those feet, and even tinier feet (and the girls all those feet are attached to)! Their parents ain't too shabby either...thanks for inviting us, Mork and Mindy! We had so much fun!

What's getting you through hump day this week? 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Occasionally, I get a message from my son. It says, "FaceTime?," and my answer is usually a resounding, "Yesss!"

I am thrilled to live in an age where I can FaceTime a faraway 4-year-old (and her family) from my desk at work!

My life is perfect (even if her FaceTime skills are not)!

It's a good time to be a Gramma, even long-distance, and that's all I have to say about that. :)

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Shawls for Summer...

There is no better feeling than rescue. For instance, I rescued two, count 'em TWO skeins of yarn this week alone! Destined for long-term stash (as they all are at some point or another) but I came to their rescue by casting on another Traveling Woman in Color Run (because I gave the first one away, because it was simply meant to be. I love it when that happens!)...

and some Dangling Conversation in Wolle's Color Gradient...

So I've rescued another new ball of Destination Yarn, and I've already cast on some of my Wool-a-palooza 2015 yarn...go me! No time to dangle conversation this morning, I go to work again...good thing I love my job!!!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!