Whew! It was a busy weekend for Pretty, and now for the pictures. . .you know I like yarn. . .
. . .and so do my friends! "Ze yarn, she is mesmerizing, Sister!"
We started off on our journey to Wool-a-Palooza last Saturday, with fresh feet. . .
. . .ready for an adventure! Even the youngest member of our group was quite eager to sample the wares at our first stop, Calla Lily Yarn and Gifts in Wooster! Some of us were very, very excited to be spending a sunny Saturday shopping for yarn! Wait, is any of that yarn under her shirt?!? Hmmm, hard to tell. . .
This shop stop has become an integral part of the palooza tradition, and this year we started here. . .it was pretty tough to not blow our budgets before we arrived at the fairgrounds!
What-dja get? Oooohhhhhh!, pretty. . .
Once we had all made our final purchases, it was off to the fiber fest, where we found yarn upon yarn upon yarn. . .
. . .and fibers of all kinds, and the cutest little gifty things for knitters!
Eventually, we all needed to refuel, and this looked like just the spot. . .
. . .some of us were almost too tired to eat lunch, after all that shopping. . .
. . .almost. . .
. . .it was nice to sit down for a little while, knitting and enjoying the sun. . .
. . .Pretty worked on simple socks while she laughed and enjoyed the day. . . . . .I think this may be about the best part of Wool-a-Palooza. . .fun times with friends!
It wasn't long, though, before our wallets were crying out, begging us to get back on our feet and make those final purchases. . .so we cleaned up and headed back to some of our favorite booths. . .
. . .and we eventually returned to our rides to stash our stash in back for the drive home. . .
I could not have asked for more out of a holiday weekend! But there WAS more. . .look who came to visit!. . .
Peanut came to visit Gramma and Grampa on Saturday night! We had a sleepover, and she came to church with us on Sunday, where our friends oooh-ed and aaah-ed and coo-ed over her delicate beauty!Wool-a-palooza + Baby-palooza = 1 tired Pretty!
I did not get much knitting done these last few days, and I haven't even really "flashed" my new stash from the fest. . .but, I am one happy, tired Pretty, and I will fill you in on all the details in coming posts! For now, I am gonna work on addressing invitations to a wedding and bridal shower. . .

. . .then I hope to work a few stitches here and there! I hope that your summer is starting off as well as mine has!
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!