Saturday, June 1, 2024

It's Been a Week

Let me tell you, it's been a week! Last week was a week, and the week before it was a week as well. 2024 has been a LOT so far, and we are not even halfway to Christmas!
Sometimes, I feel as worn out as these shoes!
There have been highs...
With my friends at Woolapalooza fun!
And lows...
Losing my father-in-law last Saturday was hard.
But so far, the highs are winning. Yay!
Boys, finding unattended construction equipment!
Through it all, the thing I keep telling myself to remember is that every minute counts. Every interaction, every birthday, every memory, and every little thing counts toward making this life better or worse. 

Pop Pop's birthday, with trick candles!
My goal will continue to be making it better, wherever I can...or, at the very least, not making it worse. 

You see, every moment helps to shape who we are becoming, and how we are helping others to become their best selves as well.

Bring the joy, when you can.
So, wherever you are, remember to be kind. Remember that you cannot know someone else's truth completely, and that's ok. Because, regardless of the situation, you can bring your best.
Of course I mean Pickleball!
Remember to also be kind to yourself. After all, you know all of YOUR truth like no one else can, so be gentle with that information. Let yourself feel your feelings and move on to the next right thing. Embrace the good of this life, like little kids on a playground!

The best kind of joy!
As far as the rest goes, just do your best. 
Your best is all anyone can ask.
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!
Newly acquired, Woolapalooza stash! Yay!

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