Saturday, June 15, 2024

According to Plan?

Do you ever feel like nothing is going according to your plans? As a recovering "type-A" personality, I often feel like everything around me is spinning out of  control. Like I'm not in charge of anything, and I really don't enjoy that feeling. 

Of course I know better. Of course I know that I am not in control of the universe (nor should I be, that's God's job). Of course I know that "Karma" is not out to get me, but sometimes life feels that way. 

For example, this pile of knitting in my lap today...

Just yesterday, it was a finished, washed and blocked sweater...

But it was wayyyyy too cropped for an overweight, 56-year-old gramma to wear out of the house! (Trust me. You do NOT want photo-evidence of that!) So, I've ripped out the hem to add a couple of inches, and I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the weekend, and I'm a little sad that I can't wear it yet. 

Will the re-finishing go according to my plan? Maybe, maybe not. 🤷‍♀️ But I made two-toned jello this morning, and that's something that did go according to plan! So, yay! Go, me! 

I hope things are going according to plan for you this week. If not, stop what you're doing for awhile and try something else. We all need a small, certain victory from time to time, especially when the big stuff doesn't go the way we expect it to. 

This is not a photo of something amazing,
but it's a pretty good pic. Small victory.
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

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