Saturday, June 22, 2024

Frog's Fab Funtimes!

Frog and I have had a week of fabulous adventures, from trying new foods 

My first, fab Korean food!
to playing with yarn,

Our haul from the Yarn Truck Rodeo
because we are attending ZK2024! 

Keynote Speaker, Samantha Guerin!
Opening Ceremonies
One of the gals from the Cesium Yarn truck
We packed up on Tuesday, and hopped a plane to Rochester, MN at 6am on Wednesday...

...and it's been nonstop fun since then!

Knitting in the lobby
All the Sam Guerin sweaters!

Frog has enjoyed meeting new people, shopping on the yarn trucks, and coaching me through knitting a new hoodie for...Frog!

716 Knit, Cesium Yarn, Yarn Adventure and Fiber MacGyver trucks! 

I didn't wear my PJs to the pajama party, 

and I did not do the 5K run/walk in the rain,

but I did get to teach a crochet class and help with Bingo, and I had such fun with everyone!

Today is Yarn Acquisition Day (aka - the Market!), so I'll be shopping when this post goes live. I promise to share my new stash soon!

But first, coffee!
Wherever you are, I hope you're having a fabulous funtime, too! Thanks for stopping by, and both Frog and I hope that you will

Knit in Good Health!

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