Saturday, March 2, 2024

Church Secretary R Me

I work in a church. Some people assume that, in order to work in a church, one must be a member of the church in which he or she works. This is not necessarily the case, but that is only a small part of what this post is about. Wait, this is gonna take a minute...have a cookie and settle in a bit.

I have worked in church offices for more than 20 years, and I am getting ready to celebrate 6 full years working at Avon United Methodist Church, where I was hired in April of 2018. I am a Christian, and I am thankful for this church, even though I have not placed membership. It started this way as I was recovering from a church relationship that had become less than ideal. 

(Side note: I was a member of that church for 20 years, secretary for 16 of those, and most of my relationships there were very good. Some things happened because people are people, wherever you go, and I needed a time to heal. Healing, as it turns out, is taking longer than expected, or maybe I am healed...the scars still hurt, though. Ahhh, people.)

Anyway, I love Jesus and his church, and I especially love the church office. Come to think of it, it could probably be any office (I have a somewhat peculiar fondness for paper clips, excel spreadsheets and friendly phone greetings), but I have settled well into the church office through the years. Especially when life outside the office throws me for a loop, I enjoy the flexibility of a job like mine, and I also appreciate the friendships developed with co-workers who also love Jesus.

Friendship with Christians can be like "Jesus with skin on," which is something I once heard a friend verbally long for. I know that Jesus loves me, just as the song says, but sometimes I need a hug...and Jesus just doesn't do that for anyone (as far as I know) in this lifetime. What he does do is send a friend when I need it most. 

Is it always the person I'd like to see? Not always, but often it is. 
Is it usually someone who will just hug me, without reminding me that I really need to find Jesus in the moment? Almost never, but I need the reminders. 
Is it sometimes a person that requires a little extra grace to smile at? Lol...would I even bring it up, if the answer were no?

But, here's the thing: Friendship with Christians is not perfect friendship, in the same way that there will never be a perfect church, on this side of Heaven. Why? Because people are people, wherever you go, and not one of them is perfect. 

Yet, God always sends someone, because he knows that I need someone. 
I need someone to listen while I verbally process. I need someone to remind me that I am not the only one going through whatever this mess might be. I need someone to love me in spite of my imperfection, and to remind me that I am never alone.

I need Jesus with skin on, represented by His followers who are doing their best, even though they (and I) will never be perfect. I've found that in my working and non-working relationships with the folks where I work, and also in relationships with Christians from a couple of other churches I attend regularly. As it turns out, I am not ready to place membership with any church until my scars heal a bit more, but I long for community in worship, discipleship and friendship. 

So, thank you to friends at AUMCSoutheast Christian Church, and all the churches who have provided me opportunity to worship, to study God's Word and to make friends in his name. You've been my Jesus with skin on in this life, and I am excited that we will be together in the next!

And thank YOU for reading! That was a heavy, but important post for me, especially as Easter approaches. Now it's time for something a little lighter, hey! Yarn is light! I think I'll knit a bit, 

...and enjoy some cookies. Want a cookie?

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

PS-If you don't know the story of Jesus, or want to know more about why He is so important to me, just drop a line. I've got so many more words than you see here!

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