Saturday, August 29, 2020

Tricky Gnicki!

I do not usually participate in Mystery Knit-a-longs* (MKALs). MKALs hold too much uncertainty for me, and I cannot take the suspense if I am not sure I will LOVE the finished knit... But, of course, all bets are off for just about anything in 2020, right? So I threw caution to the wind this summer, and I joined a Mystery Gnome-a-long (MKAL to knit a gnome)

I have knit gnomes from patterns by Imagined Landscapes before, and so many of my new friends from ZKN were joining in, I just could not help myself... You all met Gnicki briefly last Saturday...

I am not sure if you know much about Gnomes, readers, but I was fairly uneducated before this MKAL, so I asked if she would agree to an interview this morning. I am quite happy to report that she agreed, so here we go!

Pretty: Thanks for joining us this morning, Gnicki!

Gnicki: Sure, sure, sure. Where else do I have to be? Wait. What is that outside? A bird feeder?

Pretty: Why, yes! Do you like birds? 

Gnicki: Gnot really...unless you have some Gnightengales stopping by...  

Pretty: Ummm, I don't think I have ever seen a Nightengale out there. It's mostly finches and sparrows out there. What about flowers? Do you like flowers? I have some flowers out front...

Gnicki: Gno, gnot really...unless you have Gnarcissus.

Pretty: Well, I have these daylillies and some hydrangea...

Gnicki: Gno. Those will not do. And this grass is kindof itchy. 

Pretty: I'm sorry. Should we head back inside? 

Gnicki (with a heavy sigh): I suppose so. But this is really disappointing, and there is a lot of climbing. Did you know these rocks are gnot gnatrolite?

Pretty: Again, I am so sorry. I have just thought of a question I wanted to ask you. I have noticed your lovely beard, but your name is "Gnicki." Are you a girl gnome?

Gnicki: "Am I a girl gnome?!?" What kind of interview is this? I mean, I haven't said anything at all about your beard...

Pretty: Oh! I'm sorry again! I didn't mean to offend you! I just wondered. And, for the record, I don't have a beard...!

Gnicki (as an aside to the audience): I suppose she has gnot gnoticed all the hairs sprouting from her chin! Tee Hee!

At this point, gentle reader, we entered the house in silence. Interviewing Gnicki was tricky, and it was a few minutes before I asked my next question. I used the time to make good use of my tweezers, which left Gnicki a little speechless. (I had no idea her eyesight was so keen!) 

Finally, I jumped back in.

Pretty: So, I notice that you have a little something in your pocket. Can you tell us about it?

Gnicki: Can't you tell that these are gnitting gneedles? 

Pretty: Oh! You knit! I knit too!

Gnicki: You may "knit." But gnomes "gnit!" (mumbles with contempt, under her breath) You really have gnot caught onto the gnitting at all, have you?

Pretty: So, you knit mostly small things, I would assume?

Gnicky: (silence)

Gnicki: You mean, because I am shorter than you? My head is starting to hurt...

Pretty: You knit big things?

Gnicki: Sure, sure. Like, what is this over here?

Pretty: Oh, that's my Summer Shandy Top. (then, tentatively) I am absolutely loving it! But my needles might be a little big for you...

Gnicki: Hand it over!

Pretty: Ummm, ok. Have you got it there?

Gnicki: I've got it! I've got it!

Pretty: So you do! I am impressed! 

Gnicki: Why? Just because I can gnit???

Pretty: I guess so. I mean, who gnew gnomes could gnit!

Gnicki: Well, we got you there in the end. Gnice job!

Pretty; Thanks! And gnice gnitting, Gnicky Gnome! Thank you so much for joining me on the blog today. 

Gnicki: Yeah, yeah, yeah. 

Well, friends, that was certainly...interesting! Interviews are always an adventure, and it all came about when Pretty succumbed to a little knitting peer pressure! For the record, no knitters or gnomes were harmed, and I am not sure we have learned anything at all.

Thanks for stopping by anyway, and I hope you will also Gnit yourself something fun soon! Whatever that might be, stay safe and Knit in Good Health!

*A Mystery Knit-a-long is a knitting pattern that is released in "clues," one piece at a time. You know the finished knit will be a garment or a toy...but you don't know if it will incorporate lace, stripes, colorwork or new techniques. There is a gamble to this way of knitting, and it is not for all knitters.

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