Saturday, August 15, 2020

On a Mission

Yesterday, Sweetie and I took off on a mission. Our destination? Granddaughter Central! One of the first things I noticed was Mask Central...

This is a great idea!

Then the 5-year-old tasked me with the mission, because the Barbies are (apparently) quite worried about contracting Coronavirus...

Before we went to bed, there were two masks knit, with plans for roughly 347 more before Sunday, because...all the Barbies need them! 

This  morning, I woke up with the birds, and watched the glorious sun rise...

...and shhh! Don't tell the girls, but I stole a few minutes with my Summer Shandy Top and coffee!

But it will be all Barbie Masks for the rest of my weekend...LOL!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!


  1. My granddaughter wants masks for her larger baby dolls. I’d love to have your talent! Great job, really liked seeing that the barbies are all going to be protected

    1. You can do this, heartsueRN! That mask is just a cast-on that fits around the head, then some reverse stockinette stitch short-rows. (The reverse stockinette curls toward the face.) Send me an email, and I can help you!
