Aunt Chris, the oldest of three daughters, hadn't been doing well since before February of this year. On May 18th, she had a heart attack, and it was clear that she was nearing the end of her race. My cousin put out the word that she still had her phone, and she reminded us how much Aunt Chris loved us all. Thank you Teresa, and thank you for this picture, taken the day after the heart attack. I love that she is still smiling, and I credit that to the fact that she was well-loved and sure of her eternity.
I took the time to text her a few times in those last days. On May 19th, I texted, "I love you Aunt Chris!"
She texted back, "Thank you i love you too. Pet your pretty cats for me. Please make me some of
grandpa's cookies"
I sent her a pic of a cat that's been across the rainbow bridge for some months, no need for corrections now, and I promised that I would make the cookies...which I did. I sent her this picture.
Then I sent
the cookies, and they arrived in time. Teresa texted that Aunt Chris was glad to receive them, and that made me happy.
Christina Ann DeLuca entered those pearly gates on May 31st, and I am glad that she has arrived at her final destination, free of the pain and heartache of this world. But I miss knowing that she is a text away.
I will remember her as one of the three monkeys,
Mickey, Marianna and Chris |
The oldest of three sisters
(my mom is the middle sister, and the only one left now),
My beloved Aunt, who lived far away, but still loved me. She loved all of us, and I will grieve for and with all of the people in this picture. Those littles are all adults now, walking this walk and saying goodbye together...from all over the country.
I won't make it to St. Louis to celebrate her life next weekend, but I will be there in spirit...and maybe I'll make some more of those cookies. Go rest high on that mountain, Aunt Chris, and enjoy the view!
Life is still good. God is still good. And there is still so much to do. Go hug someone you love.
Thanks for stopping by, and knit in good health.