Saturday, March 4, 2023

I Have Some Limits

What, exactly, are my limits? I mean, everyone has limits, right? I can only knit so much, so fast, or for so long... or my tunnels will carpal. (Doesn't really stop me from trying to knit more, tho.)

I can only play so hard with the grandkids... or I'll be a little "limpy" later. (If you know me IRL, you know I generally accept the limpy better than the limitation.)

I can only eat so much at once... or my tummy will rebel with unwanted expulsions. (My solution? smaller plates...typically. Sometimes, tho,  you just accept that there's a price to pay.)

I can only drink so much... or I'll be dead asleep, wherever I sit. (If you're counting, my drink limit is currently one...if I sip it slow... because I don't drink very often at all.)

I can only drive about 5 over the speed limit, and even that makes my rule-following soul twitch a bit. (But I don't want that guy riding my tail actually touching my bumper. I also prefer to avoid speeding tickets!) 

Speaking of speed limits, I realized recently that my life has really picked up speed! I am nearing that year of my life when I can "drive 55," because I'll be 55 for the entirety of 12 months. Wow! It feels like that is coming right out of nowhere. 

55 years down, who knows how many more? So, I'll keep knitting...

I'll keep playing...

I'll keep eating... and (occasionally) drinking... and driving the speed limit... and having fun, fun, fun 'till my kiddos take the car keys!

And I'll keep blogging, so there's a record when I reach my final limit...hopefully many, many years from now. 

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll try to respect your limits this week, and Knit in Good Health! 

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