Saturday, May 22, 2021

Smoke Alarm Works (apparently)

Thursday was fun this week. I made toast. It was 6am, and I saw a tiny tendril of smoke ascending from the toaster, which was (apparently) set too high. So, I did the normal things...cancel toast, open window, turn on fan...and then it happened. 

Cue the alarm sounds, flashing lights, and gentle voice stating, "Fire. Fire. Evacuate the building. Fire. Fire. Evacuate the building." It was a woman's voice, and I am sure she did not see the flashing lights or hear the horns while she was recording. Think Alexa with even less personality. Aside from the actual words, there was no urgency in her voice, just calmly letting me know that my house is burning down around me. 

Add to this that I could not find the ladder to silence the system, which is hard-wired to both power and the other two smoke alarms in the house, on the 9-foot ceilings (10-foot was a mistake in my last post, but they are very high!), and my nerves were fried for most of the day. My heart is strong, but my nerves (apparently) are not! 

I really needed my Thursday Knit Night this week. As a bonus, this is the first time we have met in person since last summer! I was able to get photos of my recently finished cotton cardigan (Dewdrops Cardigan, by Drops, in I Love This Cotton)

It was so good to sit and laugh and play with yarn, outdoors with my friends until just after dark!

On Friday morning, after a good night's sleep, I did not make toast. "Wasn't that something yesterday?," I said to the cat. But, judging by this look, she (apparently) did not agree.

Oh, well, What does she know anyway...wait. Is that yarn coming directly out of her butt??? Lol! She's not impressed by that observation either. Then stop sitting on my yarn, Cat. Stop sitting on my yarn.

How are your nerves, friends? Still holding up as the masks start to come down? I hope so, and I am looking forward to seeing people's whole faces at Woolapalooza next Saturday! If you'll be there, look for me and my yarn posse! Until then, keep calm and carry yarn!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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