Saturday, May 15, 2021

Seven Happy Pictures

Today's post is all about the happy! I have been struggling with the happy in this transition to the new place, so I am reminding myself of some happy moments, and keeping them close at hand. 

I mean, you've seen the pictures of the condo, and it is fantastic! But it has taken me nearly a month to start to figure out new routines that don't leave me constantly feeling like I have hours and hours of cleaning to do every weekend. In the other house, this was was dark, everything was in some kind of shadow and we had an acceptable (perhaps?) level of "base dirt" that was just there. I didn't notice it. 

Here, everything is white. If it isn't white, it is some version of white: white with gray speckles, gray-white; light grey or tan; a pattern with a lot of white in it...even some of the things I've brought with me or purchased new are white. That means that NO dirt goes unnoticed! And my OCD feels/sees a crumb or speck and HAS TO CLEAN IT RIGHT NOW! That leaves me often overwhelmed and feeling inadequate. 

However, there is much happy here, and I have seven pictures to prove it:
Check out that sunshine, streaming through the windows, filling this place with happy light! And look at that old cat, trying to figure out how to catch the reflection of Pop Pop's iPad on the 10-ft-high ceiling! lol!
I am finally at a place where I can start some new, yarny projects, even if there is a bit of dust over there in the corner! While I am at the craft store, I am always finding new pieces for the décor, and this also makes me happy! (Bonus, I was using a gift card I received as a housewarming gift, so everything in these two bags was free!)
I have been using my crafty mugs, which are so much easier to get to in these new, spacious cupboards! I no longer have to empty a whole shelf of stacked mugs to reach one I'd like to use. I may have to move a mug, from time to time, but EVERYTHING in my kitchen is WAY more accessible! This is a supremely happy occasion nearly every morning!
Have I mentioned the windows here? And all the light? Yeah, I thought I did...and even though a large-for-a-bathroom window may leave me feeling exposed if I let the light shine in, I know how to take care of even that. These window clings let me enjoy all the color of a lovely sunrise without risking too much exposure of myself to me neighbors! So happy!
Sleeping, or recharging? Either way, as a Gramma, this makes me happy! I have a bed for my grandson to nap in on his visits! I can actually have my grandchildren in this house without tripping over them, and I am not sure I have words to adequately express the joy that realization brings!
I mean, just look at this! Four (mostly) happy faces, all sitting together, with adults gathered all around, too! And, just in case you're wondering if it is easier to photograph 3 kids than 4, with all of them smiling and looking at the camera with their eyes open...

...the answer is a solid NO...hahahahaha! But even that makes my happy-Gramma-heart just leap with joy! Oh, man! What fun we have had already here, even though my anxiety has given me a run for the money in this move.

Bottom line: it's been a good month, and I am looking forward to many more months and years of "happily ever after" here. I hope that you are also finding joy in your life, and I encourage you to remind yourself of at least one happy thing every day!

Today, I am happy that you have popped in, and I am also happy that I am starting on a new, secret, yarny endeavor! So, thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!


  1. We have also moved house two weeks ago to be nearer to our daughter and family.It does take some getting used to and has been very tiring.
    Good luck,health and happiness in your new home.

    1. (Accidentally replied under my work account earlier, oops!)
      Health and happiness to you as well, busybusybeejay! Moving is downright exhausting, and I am glad to be finally winding down with it. I will be super pumped when the rest of the furniture I purchased arrives,! Who knew that the furniture market would be so weird???
