Saturday, February 13, 2021

No Raindrops on Roses Here Today

 Happy Valentine's Day to you! 

Yes, tomorrow is the day of love, and although I don't expect that there will be much mushy-mushy for me and the hubs, it is a great time of year to celebrate the things and people we love! (See photo above...the cats DO love each other, from time to time.)

Here are a couple things I have found recently that I love, and I will not be parting with them in the Great Cleanout of 2021:

On the left is a washboard, actually a portable washboard, from my grandmother's house. Back in the day, if you went on a trip, you likely had to do washing while you were away. Travel was not as efficient as it is in the 21st century, so you might be gone quite awhile! According to this washboard, it is the perfect size for you suitcase, and one side is for "delicates" while the other is for your sturdier fabrics. All I have to say to that is that I am glad to live in a time of quick travel and washing machines that do not (generally) damage clothing!

On the right is a cutting board that I never realized was a cutting board until I researched it in the last few years! This used to hang on my Grandma's kitchen door, and I loved seeing it when I visited. When she passed away, I didn't care so much about jewelry or dishes, I wanted this plaque for my home, and it has been with me since I was 16! Looking at the damage now, after years over my splashy sink, I wish I had kept it away from water, but I put it in a place that I would see it all the time on purpose...because I loved it...and I still do! At the bottom, the date for Watkins should read "since 1868," but the board was likely made in the 1940s. 

Here are a few things that I am finally ready to let go of, even though I love them dearly:

Books from when I was a tiny girl, learning to read. I read these books over and over, and they were my favorites. When I moved out of my parents' home to get married, I took them with me, and I read them to my children. My favorite L phrase comes from Bruno Munari's ABCs: "Left leg, lazy lion licks a lolipop." That's what I think of when I think of the letter L...well, that and this song from classic Sesame Street (originally aired in 1971): La La La La Lemon

As for the people, lately it has been harder to catch them on camera, so here are a couple of Christmas-time photos, the most recent I've got of these people I love!

The boys are harder to catch, for sure! As a matter of fact, it looks like I only flattering photo of Allen lately as been of his feet at Christmas...hahaha! 

There is much to celebrate this Valentine's Day, most of it less than "romantic," but that's ok. I hope you are finding peace and love in your life this weekend, even if it looks a little different than you once thought it would. 

Thanks for stopping by, Knit in Good Health and Happy Valentine's Day! 

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