Saturday, May 30, 2020

What Happened? I wasn't looking...

What happened? I wasn't looking...

This is a common phrase for me. Usually it is because I am knitting and not looking at the television. Yes, I think that is the most common time I use that phrase, as written above.

Another common usage is when I was looking at the television (and not at my knitting) and I discover a mistake or split yarn 12 rows back...or more! I say it over and over again as I drop down, rip back or "tink" to the problem area and rework the offending stitch(es)...the "punctuation" may be slightly different:

What...happened...? Gah! I wasn't looking! 

This week, I have had one of these moments as well. A few weeks back I noticed that I was nearing my 1,000th blog post. I took note, and planned to say something profound*...yes, that was most certainly the plan. 

Then I published the May 23 post, and looked up to see that it was post number nine-hundred ninety-nine! So, what happened?!? Because I clearly wasn't looking! 

I started this blog in 2009, never planning to post for 10 years. Yet I have posted weekly (or nearly weekly, even twice weekly very regularly for a time) and now it has been 11 years!

I would like to think that I have had something of substance to say, and I know that has occasionally been true. Other times, I have posted about yarn and knitting, row counters, selling things, and general silliness. I have even let the cats try their hand...err paws at blogging in that time. (They are pretty good. They could maybe have their own blog.) 

So, what now? I mean really, what happened? When did I come up with something to say for 1,000 blog posts? And will I ever run out of words?

Rest assured, friends. I am not likely to run out of words! Bonus! I have learned some things about those words along the way. 

I have learned that some of you want to read about the knitting and all the craft fun. Even more want to read about the Pretty Knitty Family. But the posts that get the most attention are the ones where I have shared my heart and soul. Perhaps you have noticed that those posts are not as few and far between as they once were, and I anticipate that will continue.  

I have found no shortage of words to share these past 11 years, though I am trying to keep it to 500-700 words** at a time these days.  So rest assured that you have not seen the last of Pretty around the blog. How long do you suppose it will take to reach 2,000 posts? 

I am not sure either, but I plan to go for it! I hope that you will stick around and keep reading and knitting along with me, every Saturday at approximately 3:33pm, and I look forward to seeing you here!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

*While I do have lots to say, most of it is NOT profound
**Word count = 498, before these footnotes

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