And another one's gone,
And another one's gone,
Another one flies the coop!
Hey!, It's gonna get to you,
Now you have an Empty Nest...
So, I knew they were movin' on out, one at a time, and I have bloggged about this before. I guess I did not think about them

leaving in stages like this...it's a new level of out with each piece they take from my home, that used to be their home...
These are pictures of the latest load of Army Boy's things to leave our family's house. I am excited for the, "newlyweds" as they prepare to set up housekeeping on their own (finally, once said boy returns from the Scary Place)...and I am excited to have some reclaimed closet space, but I am also a little sad, like there are nerve endings in the "apron strings." You moms out there get what I am sayin', right? But, in the grand scheme of things, it is as it should be. ;-) And Wifey-Poo will be taking their stuff to the other state soon, and he will be "home," where his heart and his wife are, soon after that. And they will continue to build their lives together - Yay!
Knitting Knews this week, I have finished
Who?, the hat for our friend at the Coffee Shop, and I like how it turned out! I will wash it, and sew some little buttons on just one of the owls before presenting the gift, do you think he will like it? BTW, my model was my Dear Husband. However, said husband agreed to the photo shoot only on the condition that his face not show up anywhere online! lol! So here is the hat, sans Hubby!

The big project I am working on is
Wallaby 2, for the sister in the brother-sister pair I mentioned in the last few posts! This one, being a mere size 4, is going
MUCH more quickly than the size 8 in gray! It's a lot more fun in pink, though, so I am a little sad that it is going so fast.

Oh, well, when it is done, I can go back to my

Meanwhile, back in the
LOOK what I ordered from
CatChic on Etsy! Aren't these the most adorable, tiny pieces of cutlery that you have ever seen? They are about 3/4" long, and there are even tiny spaces between the tines of the forks! Originally, I thought they might have just been stamped metal, and prepared myself that they would not look as good in person, but looky here! They look darn good. . .and I have a creative plan for including them in some holiday-themed knitting jewelry! Stay tuned to Pretty Knitty Jewelry to find out what they become!!!
Well, I guess that's about it for this post...except for patting myself on the back for posting
on time this time! I mean, I try to post on Wednesday and Saturday, and today is Wednesday! Yay!
Oh, one more thing before I go...I haven't heard anything about what you all might like to win in a Pretty Knitty Contest. So, I will come up with something on my own, and the 6-month Bloggiversary Contest will begin later this month! In the meantime, my friend
Dawn is running a
CONTEST over on her blog. . .check out Dawn and her neat designs
Knit in Good Health!