I used to think that I would get less busy as the kids got older, but it turns out that. . .not so much, really! When they were teeny, tiny babies, the bottles and the laundry seemed to take over the house and my life. When they were little, there was always something around the house to pick up. . .and we taught them to help. When they were in school, there was PTA and homework we could help them with. In Middle- and High-School, sports-a-plenty.
And then it all seemed to be slowing down. One moved out. Got married. Is in the Army.
The other graduated High School and moved into a college dorm.
Yet, still I am a pretty busy lady. It seems like I can just fill up whatever time is given to me without any trouble at all. I have prepared myself for my empty nest over the last two years... taken up knitting...joined a group that meets weekly to knit...created knitting jewelry and started selling it online...started a blog (Can you believe it? I have a BLOG!)...well, I am pretty good at filling up a day!
That's why it didn't surprise people when I told them there would not be too much relaxing this 3-day, holiday weekend. There have been many things I enjoy, but not too much just sitting round! And it probably doesn't surprise my loyal readers that I totally forgo

Jewelry for Pretty Knitty Jewelry! I started advertising last month on Alana's podcast (Never Not Knitting), and my orders have taken off! Yay! So, I got up yesterday, did some laundry, and made these. . .and helped my DIL clean out her husband's car. . .and went to the movies with the Hubster. . .and did barely any knitting at all! Weird for me, for sure!
But today I did have the chance to knit. . .yeah, I guess if you look at the hours of Little House on the Prairie that I watched on Hallmark today, you could say I spent a fair amount of time "just sitting around," but I was also knitting! And look what I finished:
Wallaby One (for JB) is done! Tonight, I think I will either start Wallaby two (for GB), or Who?, an owl hat for a young man I know!
Decisions, decisions!
But I am not making any decisions about that until I blog! Wait, it looks like I just blogged! That means that I have a date to be courted by yarn and needles! Will I choose the cool pinks on size 8s for the little girl sweater, or the warm browns on the size 6s for the tiny cabled owls with the perpetual question? Tune in next time to find out!
In the meantime, my 6-month Blogiversary is coming up near the end of this month! I am planning a giveaway, and I hope you will check back to find out what the prizes will be. . .wait! What would you like to win? The contest will not start for a while, but please leave a comment to tell me what you would like to win. . .yarn? needles? what size? brand? colors?
Now, the last couple times I asked for contest input, I did not get much. Soooo, this time I would like to offer you an incentive. If you comment on this post, and leave me your email in this format "name (at) provider (dot) com," I will offer you a 10% discount on any item in my Etsy Shop! I need the email address to send you a code for the discount, but if you are uncomfortable leaving your email address publicly, send me a message at
PrettyKnittyJewelry (at) ymail (dot) com.
Until I hear from you, Knit in Good Health!
I wondered wehre you were yestereday!! My you were busy! Love your wallaby-one lucky little boy!!