Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Enter Today!...It's a CONTEST!

Follow me, everybody, on a journey that began some six months ago, right here at the Pretty Knitty Jewelry blog! That's when I decided to start telling the world about me, my knitting, my family and my etsy shop, and it has been fun! I hope that you are having fun, too...

Tomorrow, September 24, 2009, marks the actual 6-month bloggiversary of my very first post, so I would like to celebrate with a CONTEST! Here is the booty:

20-row Knitting Row Counter (daisies, fits needles to 5mm/sz. 8 US) OR
100-row Knitting Row Counter (cupcake, fits needles to 6mm/sz. 10 US)

Two skeins of Plymouth BOKU yarn (95% Wool, 5% Silk; worsted; 99 yds/50g ball).
This yarn was gifted to me by Dawn (thank you) for the contest, I believe the color is 12.

A Pretty Knitty Surprise Gift! (I am really excited about this one...but it's a surprise!)
There are three ways to enter:
  1. Leave me a comment telling what your favorite yarn of all time is. (Also, tell me which counter you want if you win!)
  2. Follow the blog, and leave a comment telling me you have started to follow! (Also, tell me which counter you want if you win!)
  3. Send me an email at PrettyKnittyJewelry [at] yahoo [dot] com, and tell me something about you, your knitting style, favorite projects, colors...anything at all! (Also, tell me which counter you want if you win!)
Each item counts as one entry, do one or all three - your choice, and you have until the end of September to enter! The winner will be announced in a special post on October 1st! Don't forget to include which counter you would like if you win! And good luck, everybody!

Knit (and play) in good health!


  1. My favorite yarn is BFL from Fleece Artist. It has a number like 8/2 but I never remember it -- makes the BEST Shawls!!!

    I want the 20 row counter if (I mean WHEN) I win.

  2. I follow the blog.

    I want the 20 row counter if I if that's a real if.

  3. This one is too good to pass up:) You already know I love all my sock yarn, but if I had to choose a favorite it would have to be the Pagewood Farms Chugiak. And as you also know, I've followed your blog since the beginning. (Does that count, or do you need a seperate comment?) I'd love that 20 row counter as well!
    Congrats on the blogiversary, and thanks for the chance to win some great prizes:)

  4. My favorite yarn is Lornas Laces sock yarn. I love the way it feels in my hands and on my feet. And I'd be happy with either counter.

    Congrats on your anniversary!

  5. HMMMMM so I already follow your blog on google reader

    ....and my fave yarn of all...isss HMMM welll how about my fave yarn of now..that is Dream in Color Classy, as I have just finished one sweater of it and am almost done with another..but then again you know of my mad mad MAD love of the RYC soft tweed too...

    If I'd happen to win I'd be happy with either but since both my current 20 row sock counters are in use..I'd probably pick that one...

  6. I am a faithful follower - not too much of a commenter, but been following your blog for some time. It is high on my google reader page and one I look forward to catching the updates.

    Favorite yarn - that is a hard one. I am a frugal knitter so the lux yarns are ones other knitting buddies have allowed me to pet, stroke, or fondle. So far it is Wollmeisse! Not only does it feel loverly to the max, the colors are pure delight.

    Keep up the great work on this interesting blog, and congratulations on the anniversary!

    If I were the lucky, lucky winner, I think I would choose the 20 row counter. Most of my projects have been smaller ones and I believe that would get the most use! Hard decision, though!


  7. my fave yarn has been an alpaca blend that I spun.

    Would love the 100 row counter

  8. I already follow this blog. I started following it because you are someone I know and really like, even if we cant' get together all that often.

    again with the 100 row counter :O)

  9. my faves have been handspun and dyed! (mostly indie styles) luv the cupcake!

    happy blogiversary!

    tried to follow you but can't find the button!

  10. My favorite yarn is just about any hand dyed sock yarn; I especially like yarns from small indie dyers.

  11. Oops I forgot to say that I'd pick the 100 row counter if I won.

  12. I think my fav yarn is any soft hand-dyed sock yarn. I really like the KnitPicks sock blank that you dye yourself. I would pick the 20 row counter. thanks for the contest. Debbie

  13. I'm a big Noro fan - probably silk garden is my fav.

    I think I'd prefer the 100 row counter, but I've never had either type and so would be thrilled with either.

  14. I am just discovering lace knitting, so right now I'm a big fan of Mountain Colors Winter Lace. So pretty and soft that I almost don't care how long it's going to take me to knit this shawl!

    I'd be very interested in the 20 row counter if I win.

    Lovely blog!

  15. So many yarns to choose from! I adore wollmeise's intense colours -- there's one choice for a starting point.

  16. My favorite yarn is Plymouth Boku for scarves, etsy's Fearless Fibers for socks, sugar and cream for coasters and dishcloths, and lamb's wool for stockings! I am sorry, but I couldn't pick just one favorite yarn... I really tried, but after staring at this box for a while I decided to just narrow it down.

    I love the 20 row counters on your etsy site. They're so cute! I didn't look at the 100 rows. I haven't ever knit anything I needed to keep track of that many rows at a time for (and doubt I ever will - I'm too impatient).

  17. My favorite yarn is evilla yarns :) I would like to have 20-row Knitting Row Counter daisies

  18. I follow blog with netvibes
    egateris at gmail dot com

  19. My favorite yarn is whatever is in my hands at the time. I am so fickle! I only use natural fiber yarns so what's not to like?

    I guess I'd pick the 100 row counter, and I'd love to try Boku.

  20. cool I love giveaways enter me please

  21. I've never thought about it before, but I'd have to say Frog Tree Alpaca Sport. It's just so yummy- like cupcakes!

  22. I love just about any handspun, handdyed yarn. I see them and I NEED them!

    I think I'd prefer the 100 row counter.

  23. I'm totally in love with the 4ply silk yarn from Knitting Goddess. It's unbelievable soft and comes in great colours.

  24. My favorite yarn that I have knitted with is Caron Naturally Spa Bamboo. I made a chemo hat for my mother. It is so soft. I would prefer the 100 row counter. Who doesn't like cupcakes?


  25. I am totally hooked on hand dyed yarns. I often wind up loving them more in the skein than when knit, so lately I wind up petting them more than knitting them.

    I'd love the 100 row counter.

  26. I've been trying to use handspun yarns lately. I love the "ruggedness" of them.

    The 100 row counter sounds great to me

  27. For many years I've only been using what is easily available to me - yarn from a Finnish company. I have 2 skeins of Koigu waiting, but I don't know what I'm going to make with it. If you're taking international entries, I think I'd like the 100 row counter.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I just became a follower of your blog!
    My favorite yarn is Rowan Classic DK, and I'd like the Daisy row counter.

  30. Okay, it's official...I now stalk, I mean follow you through Google:)

  31. my favorite yarn of all time has to be blue moon fiber arts, socks that rock. I'm not too picky. I love both the light and medium weight.
    I signed up to follow the blog.

  32. Oops, I forgot, I'd like the cupcake counter.
    It's really cute.

  33. It is hard to pick a favorite yarn. There are so many beautiful ones out there. My favorite yarn weight is worsted, but I mostly buy sock yarn because there are so many wonderful indie dyers out there and much less in the worsted arena (also it is too expensive to buy a sweater's worth of hand dyed yarn, and so when I need a fix now, I get a skein of sock yarn).

    OK - well I think I'll go with Posh Yarns (any of theirs)

  34. I just also realized I forgot to say I'd prefer the 100 row counter

  35. It wasn't the best yarn I'd ever had, but for sentimental reasons my favorite is the first yarn that I spun myself. Thanks for the contest, if I win I'd like the cupcakes.

  36. I'm a big koigu fan because I love all the close color combos.

    I'd love the 100 row marker.

  37. So far, my favourite yarn of all time is Mmmmmalabrigo. It's so decadently soft and squishy!

  38. Hmmm... guess I'm forever in love with Bamboo Zania from JL. Makes the best soxes ever! BTW, would like to be in the contest. I have no idea how to use a row marker, but the daisy one is pretty. Nice blog; congrats on your 1st year:)

  39. Hi! Hm, my favorite yarn... I haven't worked with too much, sadly, but my favorite right now has to be Lorna's Laces Shepard Sock. It's soft but strong with such gorgeous colors!

    I'm in the market for a row counter, and that 100 row one would work a treat, I'll wager. =D

  40. I also started following the blog, and I'm happy to do it. Your stuff is so pretty.

  41. I really love Manos yarn. I love the softness and the colors. The price ... well I would love that more if it were less.

    I love the 100 row counter.

  42. My favorite yarn of all time is anything with cashmere in it. Sooooooo soft!

    kristinfitzgerald at comcast [dot] net

  43. I follow you blog too!

    ps. I love the cupcake counter

    kristinfitzgerald at comcast [dot] net

  44. Favorite yarn? Hmm... Maybe Grinasco's Merinosilk, it's so soft, light and lovely (though very thin too).

    I'd love the 100 row marker.


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