Saturday, September 21, 2024

Pumpkins Out!

Pumpkins on the porch...

On the counter...

With the neutral, gnitted gnome...

Even in the creamer in my fridge!

Every fall, I have great plans to do pumpkin things...Jack-o-lanterns, puree, soups, roasted I get a bi-i-i-i-ig pumpkin (or two, or three), and pop 'em onto the porch (sometimes with knitted friends) to greet people. 

Oftentimes, this is as far as I get before some critter starts nibbling on my gourd...

But this year? This year I've procured pumpkins a-plenty! If all goes according to the pumpkin plan, I'll be seeding and roasting the first one with hopes of pumpkin puree for all the recipes...YUMMM!

If my day goes sideways after blogging...well, there's always tomorrow. 

No. Wait. Tomorrow is for apple picking, and I can barely wait...what should I do with the apples, friends? 

Fall is a wonderfully busy time, and I hope you are finding fun, fall things to do with your family and friends. Maybe your life is full of Pumpkin Spice-y fun? Drop me a comment about what you're doing these days! 

When the sun goes down, it's the perfect time
of year for outdoor movies and snuggles!
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 


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