Saturday, May 11, 2024

Eyes Up Again Tonight!

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? 🎢🎡 Me neither, and living in suburban, northeast Ohio, I doubt I ever least, I don't think I'll hear it from my own back yard.

I also doubted that I would ever see a total eclipse of the sun or the northern lights from my own back yard, but 2024 has been full of wonder! We did get to experience a total eclipse from my daughter's back yard (in a neighboring town) last month...

...and last night, I saw the northern lights from my own deck!

Of course, that photo is not super spectacular...but a friend clued me in to make sure my night settings were enabled when I took photos, and I got these more-spectacular shots!

I think my son and daughter-in-law and their girls had a better look (fewer lights, more wide-open where they live in Kansas), but even they needed to enhance with those night settings.

Still, it is pretty cool that so many in my "neighborhood" had such a good viewing, considering that this is NOT Alaska or Canada and other points north! I'm not sure if the solar flares will interfere with communications (as some in the news industry have claimed they might), but they sure put on a spectacular show! (And they may do the same again tonight, so check it out!)

In other news, I'm still knitting! Sparkly socks finished mean new socks started...

...and I've finished that second cowl I was working up as a test knit! 

Bonus! It's two, two, two cowls in one, because it's double knit...because that's who I am. 

It's even been gifted, which frees me up to knit socks, clean closets and make more frog clothes...because what frog doesn't need new clothes? I know you stopped by to check on my frog-clothing progress...

Finally, tomorrow is Mother's Day, and I'd like to wish all of the ladies I know a good one. The women who raised us, taught us, encouraged us and loved us well deserve honor tomorrow (and every day), because we wouldn't be who we are without their influence. So hug a mom, if you can find one, and try to make it a good day. 

Oh, and Knit in Good Health! 

Cowl #1, not on the intended recipient,
but still super cute!

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