Saturday, April 13, 2024

Fun Times on the Road

I have not yet started my purple socks.  But I am nearly finished with all the bits of a purple cat!

If you look closely at that photo, you may see a random granddaughter...because we are visiting!  So far, we have seen the 13-year-old in a play (Annie, Jr)

watched the 9-year-old knit,  

play Roblox and soccer,

and enjoy all the little things, 

and we've played with our slightly skittish grand-pup (who is not quite sure about us yet)

The car ride was extensive, so (as a passenger) I was able to finish 5 animals from the Brown Bear book!

And our sweet teenager is having the time of her life in the theater! 

And taking Polaroids! 

And reading, and crocheting and being 13, with all the appropriate acoutremont...

If you're sensing that this is another "I'm-almost-too-busy-to-blog" post, you're not wrong, lol!...but boy!, are we having fun! 

This trip will be quick, and we'll be home soon,  and there will be more knitting on the ride home. There will also be sadness, when we have to say goodbye, but that will be short-lived. They'll visit our house this summer, with a brief visit from Mom and the girls in between. Yay!

Until then, I'll be knitting, and celebrating life,  and I hope you will be doing the same! 

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health! 

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