Saturday, February 4, 2023


Nope. Not a blog about secure text messages... more about mittens. You see, when one knits mittens, it's a mixed bag of sorts. Mittens are quick, but there are two...just like socks...which means that even after a successful cast on and cuff, 

followed by fun colorwork, 

hand and thumb closing, 

you still have a second mitten to knit. If the knitter does not cast on that second mitten immediately, 

Life can take over and new, shiny projects may beg for their chance on the needles...leading to Second Mitten Syndrome. 

Second Mitten Syndrome may be defined as the lack of motivation to start a second, identical item...which does not feel anything like a new project, because it is actually the second half of an unfinished pair. 

One more? Just like that one? Hmmmm... boring. 

Well, for some knitters it's boring. But for the knitter that has knit multiple multiples on many fronts (human beans, tiny t-rexes, gnomes, and countless hats and socks and other things through the years)... well, that knitter is Pretty, and she is not at all daunted by SMS. As a matter of fact, that second mitten is already cast on...

And there are plans for a second pair of these when this pair transitions from a HO to a FO! (Half-finished Object to Finished Object - not sure what you were thinking...)

In the meantime, I'm also looking at shiny, new projects to cast on. What did Willy Wonka say? "So much time, so little to do... scratch that, reverse it..." So I'm off, but I'm glad you stopped by, and I hope I'll see you again next week! 

Knit in Good Health! 


  1. I'm working on a new colorwork mitten design! :) Will need testers....ummm...just saying...

    1. Ooooh! Shiny, new project possibility? Just sayin'...
      And...ummm...Count Me In!
