Sometimes I learn lessons when I'm not even trying. Like this one...
I started knitting my grandkids, just for fun this past week, as you do. We were planning a vacation where I would see all of them (more about that another time), and I wanted to have a little something for each kid.
After I finished the big boy,
I started right in on baby brother, and they were both super cute!
Of course, as I picked them up for their photo shoot, I noticed something. They were not the same size.
As per usual, I had made some changes as I went, knitting one in the round and one flat. I figured same pattern, same needles, same yarn, same size...right?!? Well, perhaps not.

Not that a big deal when knitting toys, except that it's a little silly to gift a baby brother so much taller than his big brother! So, I'll re-knit that one, as you do.
What? You don't?
Well, as I do then. It's kindof a thing for me...and I had planned to knit four, so what's one more?!? Lol...plans, schmans; gauge, schmauge on this project, I suppose.
I don't think my block-building,
container emptying,
"tree" climbing,holding tight grandkids will mind too much!
The bear? Yeah. He seems annoyed at the waiting. I suppose I'll skip knitting him this time, to save us both the angst. I can always come at it again next time.
Yes, gauge isn't all that important when knitting toys and dolls, and plans be darned. I'm just gonna love those kids and knit for fun this week. When I cast on that next sweater, though, I will do some better planning, I think!
Have you ever had plans go awry? What did you do? Did it involve re-doing something, or scrapping the plan altogether? How did you work through that?
When my plans hit a snag, it often shuts me down for a minute. Sometimes more than a minute...I am not really good at the hairpin turns while navigating changes to the plan. So I take a beat, I take a breath, and I try to find true north. Eyes on the prize, rip that plan right back to the cast on and think about where it went wrong and what could make it better.
If it's something independent of the knitting, I consult God. What is he teaching me? What am I missing? How can I hear him better and stick to the good plan he has for my life? Hard questions to be sure.
When I take a moment to think through things, it is often easier to find my way. I am thankful for thankful. I would encourage you to do the same, just take a minute. Take a breath. Find true north. Or, as my mom used to tell me, "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again." Good advice, no matter how old you are!
Thanks for stopping by today. I hope all your plans work out well. If you hit a snag, I pray that you will learn something that makes your life better through it.
Happy Saturday, and Knit in Good Health!
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