Saturday, April 24, 2021

All the Unpacking...

Still living out of boxes, so not much time to write. But the cats seem content, and I'm calling it all good! 

More details, and (hopefully) moved-in-and-out-of-boxes next week, friends!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

We Are There...YAY!

Guess what? (Hint: The answer is not "Chicken butt!," FYI!)

Last week I told you we had keys, right? WE  MOVE IN!!! 

*And the crowd goes wild!!!*

So I don't have time to give you lots of words...but, just for fun, here are some progress photos:
On our first visit, it didn't seem real.
As time passed, and we shared our excitement with family, we could see our dream becoming reality...
We watched drywall and cabinets go in...
Flooring, siding and the back deck were completed...
...and finally, COUNTERTOPS to decorate!
I've already's a work in progress. :)
The welcome mat is out...
Gifts have been received...
Curtains and artwork have been hung...
Yesterday, furniture even arrived!

We are just about ready to spend our first night in our new home, and we will be ready for a good night's sleep after the final push in our move today! Thank you to our kids and friends who have helped us lug things around, and to those who have been so graceful and patient while we have been losing our minds in anticipation! So much happy this evening!

Thanks for stopping in online to share the joy with us. If you know me IRL, and you live in my neck of the woods, I hope you'll be able to stop by in person soon. I can't wait until I can sit at my table with friends and enjoy a cup of tea (or coffee, or...something else)!

After a good night's rest, I hope to start back into knitting like a fiend! I hope to see you again next Saturday!

Until then, Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, April 10, 2021


Keys. We have keys. Not car keys, or train keys...

Not the keys to this little guys heart (though we have those, too...)

But the keys to our new place! We have the keys!

So the next couple weeks are going to be full of moving all the things! We have a good start, with some very nice gifts from our Realtor (thank you, Chad!)...

...and as you read this, I am either hanging curtains or putting things away in one of my many new cupboards or bathrooms, so I'm not going to write too long today. More pictures will be coming soon! 

Even though my time is limited this weekend, I did want to stop in to say hello and Happy Saturday to all of you! I hope that you have something to celebrate. Springtime. Sunshine. Kittens and puppies, or new yarn, perhaps!  

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

Saturday, April 3, 2021


I've just celebrated another birthday. I am not 26. However, Sweetie and Pretty have lived in this house for 26 years this month! 
Here we are, in our starter home, getting ready to celebrate one last holiday before we move. The last thing I will bake in this house will be holiday rolls this afternoon. They will be knots, rather than crescents, mostly because I have already packed the rolling pin. When they come out of the oven, all the baking supplies will be packed up snug, because (drumroll please)...  

We close on Thursday for the new place! 

If you're counting (and I most certainly am) we've spent...
26 Halloweens...
26 Thanksgivings...
26 Christmases...
26 New Years...
26 Wedding Anniversaries...
26 Birthdays for each of us, and after tomorrow...
26 Easters in this house!
Nostalgic much, Pretty? I know. I know. But that's what happens. We took down the photos and the growth charts, and we are packing things up every day. I'd like to think that the trash collectors are impressed with the amount of refuse and recycling we have hauled to the curb so far. Jess is right. I am a hoarder. But I am less of of a hoarder now. Progress...and Swedish Death!

Just one more holiday in this house. 
Two more weeks. 
Three more blog posts (including this one) in this house. 
That's a pretty good run, so thanks for the memories, Little House!

I know it's still a pandemic out there, but I can not help but hope that you have some plans to gather with loved ones, either online or in person, to celebrate the hope that Easter and Springtime bring. New beginnings, including rounds of vaccines for everyone, and fresh starts are everywhere. What is one way you can start fresh today?

Whatever it is, I'm glad you took a moment to stop in and say hello! 

Happy Easter, peeps!, and Knit in Good Health!