Saturday, December 19, 2020


Six days until Christmas, and my house is a wreck, but I am ok with it! Kiddos have landed, with all their stuff...

And it is glorious! Cramped, but glorious! Even Snowflake showed up, and she didn't even RSVP! 
At least she doesn't each much...and we don't have to make up a bed, 
because she goes back to the North Pole every night to report in!

It has been years since we have had teddy bears under our tree, but this year will be a different story. As a  matter of fact, this bear was a gift to our boy on his first Christmas. Now, here it is, under our tree again on a year that his children will wake up here on Christmas morning! 

So, yes. It is 6 days before Christmas. There are still a few things to be done, but we are mostly there. And some things will simply be what they are, done or not. Including blog posts like this one (which was quite hastily written!).

Are you ready? Have you already celebrated your winter holiday? I would love to hear about your traditions, so drop a comment if you have a minute! Then get back at it...because there are only a few days left to this year! 

Thanks for taking a moment to stop by in the middle of this very busy season, and Knit (if you have any time left) in Good Health!

1 comment:

  1. We can’t see our family this Xmas because of COVID but as Wales is going into lockdown at midnight tonight we won’t be seeing anyone or going anywhere.We have lots of food,a warm house and each other!
    Enjoy your family Xmas.Savour every moment.
