Saturday, April 18, 2020

Inny or Outy?

This is the weekend we have waited for! The springtime Knitters' Weekend at Lakeside! I covered myself way ahead of time for both work and church is going to be the first time I can stay from beginning to end and not miss any of the shenanigans! 

So, you see, coronavirus is clearly my fault. 

Isn't there some saying about "best laid plans" and "impending doom?" I mean, that might not be exactly what the quote is, but it feels that way today...waking up in my own house...having breakfast alone in the front room, and not in the bright kitchen of the lake house...knitting all by myself until my hubby wakes up and takes his place in the other room with his coffee.

For what it's worth, we are not socially distancing from one another, he just likes his own space. As a matter of fact, he kinda digs social distancing in an "everyone is finally just getting out of my way!" kind of way. Yes, the introverts are doing mostly ok.

Introverts who live with extroverts? Yeah. Pray for them. Pray for them a lot!

I know there are lots of posts all over social media about "A List of Things I've Learned by Staying Home," but I have my own list. Like, I think the cats, or at least Black Cat is actively stalking me. I mean, she may have been doing this all along, but today she is just lurking around every corner...

I am pretty sure she was planning to take advantage of my hands being full of clean laundry to knock me down the stairs this morning, until she saw the camera. 

Even cats don't want to leave behind photo evidence.  Look at the "innocence" in her eyes as she lurks behind me even now...

I foiled her plans on the steps...which is good, because there were cookies in the oven.

Yes, it was 10am, and there were cookies in the oven. By 10:15 I had eaten three. 

I wonder...if I bake all of the cookies (I usually freeze some of the dough), will any last until Sunday? I suppose it doesn't matter. I should fit into my stretchy pants for at least the next 20 or 30 pounds...and with April snow, the extra "fluff" is good for insulation, sooooo Cookie Me!

At least I have the knitting. I have finished three bunnies, a couple of sweaters, three gnomes and two pair of socks...

Thankfully, I am nowhere near running out of yarn, but I did manage to do a teensy bit of online shopping last night...and there was yarn involved. Please don't judge...I have a gnome for that.

So, friends, how are you holding up? Are you an "inny" (Introvert: I kinda like staying away from people anyway; I'll stay in, no problem.) or an "outy" (Extrovert: I WILL HUG THE STUFFING OUT OF ALL OF YOU WHEN THIS IS OVER! I MISS MY PEOPLE!!!) in all of this, and what are you doing to cope? 

If you are looking for a hobby, yarn and needles are available online, and there are learn-to-knit classes all over YouTube! Whatever you do to cope, I hope that you are coping well, and remember that it is a good time to relive your teen years by talking on the phone for hours. 

Thanks for stopping by, from the comfort of your home, and Knit in Good Health!

1 comment:

  1. I will hug the stuffing out of you!! And my family. And my friends. And maybe the mailman!! JK.
