Saturday, September 1, 2018

Fan Girl - Osmond Edition

A long time ago, in a far away land...ummm, wait. Nevermind. I am not THAT old! Let me try again. Ahem.

A few years back, when I was a girl (yes, I know, it was more than a "few" years, but please give it to me or we will be at the beginning until next Saturday)...when I was a girl of about 10 I suppose, I had my first celebrity crush. Every Friday night, we turned our television to channel 5 for the Donny and Marie Show. I figure it must have come on at 7, because I know my bedtime was 8 o'clock...but my memory is a little sketchy there.

My memory is not sketchy when it comes to Donny Osmond, however. His rendition of Puppy Love made me swoon just like every other pre-teen pretty watching the show, wondering what puppy love was and if I would ever experience it. Donny was dreamy, to be sure, right down to those sparkly, purple socks that he showed off nearly every week on the show.

At this same time, I had a good friend who was my favorite sleepover buddy, and also a fan of Donny Osmond. She had a cute older brother and an annoying younger brother (neither ever took much notice of me) and I loved spending the night at her house! Friday night sleepovers were the best, because we could watch the show together before bedtime, and then giggle about how cute Donny was instead of going to sleep!

"I think I want to marry Donny Osmond when I grow up," Kathie might say, on any given Friday night, then she would hug her pillow and sigh! I would sigh, too, but I remember the first time I did the math. We were 10. Donny had to be much older, like 19, and I didn't think that he would ever really want anything to do with us little girls. Even Kathie's older brother was only 2 or 3 years older than we were, and he wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with us!

But Donny and Marie had a younger brother. He was not as classically handsome as Donny, but he was kindof adorable in his own way, and Jimmy was only 15! Yes, that is still quite a bit older, in terms of people who had just entered the age of double-digit birthdays...but those 4 years might just give me the edge, I reasoned. Jimmy Osmond was simply more attainable than Donny, and I would certainly have less competition from Kathie!

So, there you have it. While the world was swooning over Donny Osmond, I chose Jimmy...and although I never did get to meet him and show him what a worthy Osmond wife I would have been, he still holds a special place in my heart. He probably always will, which is something I recently shared with some new friends (my daughter's Mother- and Father-In-Law) when Tom revealed that he would be attending a Jimmy Osmond concert at Lakeside this past July. I am pretty sure my wacky revelation made my darling Dollface roll her eyes. Hahaha!

Fast forward to last weekend, during brunch at Tom and Jan's house. We had just come from a 3D ultrasound of my newest grandchild (due in November), and as we settled in with coffee, Tom said, "I have a present for you!," to me. Now a present for Dollface, growing our grandchild in her belly, or their son the baby-daddy, makes sense. A present for me?

Tom returned quickly, and with excitement on his face, he handed me this:

Yes, that's right. An autographed photograph of Jimmy Osmond! Turns out that Tom actually took this photo at a concert a few years back, and when he heard my story, he figured that it couldn't hurt to ask for an he did!

"To Pam"
"Love Jimmy Osmond"

I now held something in my hands, which has since been hung on the wall, that Jimmy Osmond has touched personally! And he signed it! To me!!! "Love Jimmy Osmond." SWOON!!! My childhood dreams are coming true, and today there are only two degrees of separation between me and the Osmonds. I have to text Kathie immediately!

Oh, the baby is healthy and growing well, and will be a handsome fellow for sure! I wonder if they might think of naming him Jimmy?

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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