Saturday, May 2, 2015

Brightly Colored Crafting

So, the last time I picked up my plastic canvas, this is what I found...

Somebody's been sewing on my craft! lol! Too funny! I Suppose I could go ahead and cut another square to finish the silly cube I was planning to make. Or I could do something else...what else could I do?

That's right! I could knit! Indeed I have been knitting...just take a look!

There's a knitted ball, which actually looks way more like a cube in my case. (I wonder if it would be more round if I knit those strips shorter?) Maybe I'll just accept it as a cube, and perhaps I'll even miniaturize it for the next one, because we all know there will be a next one! 

Besides the ball, there are actually TWO pair of baby socks, one toe-up (in brights) and one top-down (in pastels) for my favorite Sweet Pea! The photos above show approximately 1.75 socks, but the photo below shows that I have finished both pair...4 socks...yay!

And that's not all, NO! That's not all! I may or may not have purchased another skein of Destination Yarn...seriously, I love this yarn!

This one is called "Color Run," and even though I have never done a color run, the idea of knitting a Traveling Woman Shawl with Destination Yarn named for a 5k just slays me with the coolness! So much movement...I bet I'll burn off many cheeseburgers knitting that one! Right?!? Right. I mean, here's a closeup... (drool!!!)

Don't ask me to be accountable to that project anytime soon, though...there are some projects promised to Peanut that I haven't even started, so another shawl for me may have to wait. (I don't really mind...I think my next knit is a mousie!)

For right now, I'm only accountable to the cats (for lap time and noms) and Peanut (for knitted toys, of course). I hope that you and your knitting are loved beyond reason, and that you are enjoying your Saturday afternoon!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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