Me? What are Pretty's resolutions? Oh, that's an easy one! A few years ago, I swore off resolutions for New Years. These days, when I think I should be doing something differently than I currently am, I try to just jump in there and start. . .like when I joined the gym a few months ago. I don't go every day, I shoot for three times a week. . .and sometimes I fail at that. But, I'm human, and I'm gonna mess up from time to time. Still, it's been a positive change, and I didn't even have to wait for January! :o)
What are my plans for tonight? Well, seeing as how I spent all of last night at the "first new year's eve party of the year" for the teens at our church, I'd say that I'm going to turn in pretty early tonight! (Heck! I'm probably sleeping right now. . .oh, the wondrous wonders of technology that allow me to write my blog and schedule it to post later!) I'll probably miss the ball dropping on TV, and I won't participate in a champagne toast or a midnight kiss, but I will probably wake up when the random gunfire starts "in the neighborhood." At that point, I will look at the clock, thank the Lord for another year to spend with family and friends, and go back to sleep. Oh, and I will look forward to a "Stitch-a-Day" from my new Vogue Knitting calendar (thanks again, Family, for the knitting gifts this year!).
2012, just like 2011, will likely bring lots of knitting and time with the family. I hope that you will enjoy similar blessings in your new year as well! Until then, and after the "big moment," I hope that you will find much happiness.