Three weeks until the wedding, and I am counting.
Counting the days until the wedding, for sure.
Counting up the pennies, nickles, fifties and hundreds spent on wedding things.
Counting the laughs we had at the bridal shower and through the years.
Counting up the brain cells I have left, which seem to be diminishing daily.
Counting the hours and minutes, treasuring the woman my daughter has become.
Counting up the pennies, nickles, fifties and hundreds spent on wedding things.
Counting the laughs we had at the bridal shower and through the years.
Counting up the brain cells I have left, which seem to be diminishing daily.
Counting the hours and minutes, treasuring the woman my daughter has become.
Six place settings at each table for the bridal shower, 6 sets of silverware, 6 party favors, 6 photos of the bride- and groom-to-be at each table for guests to enjoy.

Two moms that have grown to love Dollface through the years. One of these moms is new to her life, but I can see that the love is already there. I may be biased, but I think that both Snake and Dollface will be blessed with a pretty great mother-in-law!
Ninety-two pictures taken by the mother of the bride. What can I say? That's just who I am...the lady behind the camera! (Sigh! She's got the camera!)
Counting it up, treasuring it all in my heart, and still knitting in the stolen moments that I find in each day. Enough stolen moments to finish these warm, fall/winter socks for Snake (I took the pic with them on my feet. . .they are too big for me! lol!)
And enough stolen moments to get a good start on my Shapely Tank/Tee "redeux." I officially cast on the ripped-out-and-re-started sweater on July 5th, and I thought I was making fairly good progress until I made a mistake on the back on Wednesday evening(ugh!). . .I ripped out 18 rows before going to bed. And then, at knitting on Thursday, I made another mistake and ripped one row (oh well, what's one more row ripped?). And then, about 20 rows later, I found another mistake and ripped out twice on Friday morning, to the tune of 20-24 rows total that were ripped. . .(Aaaaargh!!!)
Now, I know that there are things in life that are much worse than ripping out my knitting. I just wish that I did not feel like my knitting had gone backwards after the 4-hour knit-a-thon that is our Thursday night knitting group time! But then, as always, it is what it is. . .and I will get back to the forward motion again soon enough.
But not right this minute, because guess who came to visit?
We are excited to see you, too, Peanut! And we are happy that Army Boy, Wifey-Poo, Puggle-Face and Beagle-Brains have come for a visit as well. It's a crazy time at Pretty's house for the next few weeks. . .but it's crazy GOOD, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I hope that you are counting your blessings today.

But not right this minute, because guess who came to visit?
I hope that you are counting your blessings today.
And I hope that you will all Knit and Love, and Plan and Play, in Good Health!
Yay! You will make it through! Enjoy hanging with Peanut and the family!