sniff! sniff!
We should see her again in TWO WEEKS, for the wedding. . .yay!
Yep, there has been wedding talk, and there has been wedding prep, but mostly it's been cuddle-the-Peanut time at our house. This makes me smile!
The wedding plans are now all but final. The hall is all set, and we have a plan of attack for setting up and decorating, AAAAND we have all of the supplies we need for that on hand. The gifts for the attendants have been purchased, and are almost all put together. Everybody has a new dress (well, not the boys. . .THAT would be odd for this family. . .but they get to wear fancy suits!), and new shoes to boot! There are still a few checks to write and things to buy, oh and cupcakes to make, but we are almost there!
And just in case you really don't care too much about wedding plans, and in case the pictures of Dollface and Grampa don't make you smile, check out this video! If it doesn't make you laugh, you are made of stone, my friend. . .
Now, on this quiet Saturday, I am off to mold some chocolate, do some laundry, work on wedding crafts, and knit on some socks. I hope that your day will be what you want it to be.
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!
She sure is a cutie!!