. . .Over, Under, Through!
But enough about Grover. Today, I think I will focus on the around. . .like concentric circles in the lawn from when Sweetie last cut the grass. . .Yay! The grass (and flowers and trees and spring babies) is growing! And super yay that I have a Sweetie to cut the grass!!! The mower and I do not get along so well. . .
And thinking about circles makes me think of life. . .the circle of life brought 5 tiny goslings to the pond this year! Awww! So cute. . .and not big enough yet to be a nuisance. . .that will come later. . .adolescent geese are not nearly as cute. The big ones, well with all the "waste" they produce, they are pretty obnoxious. And then they produce more geese to be more obnoxious next year. . .but for now, cute little babies. . .Awwwww!
And then yesterday I noticed for the first time this really cool sculpture in front of the place where I buy my bagels and coffee. Perhaps I am simply amused easily, but I was taken with the three cans for cans, paper and plastic, painted brightly and placed around what was once just a simple planter. Now the whole piece is transformed into art, and it's captivating. I have never been much of a recycler. . .just too lazy I guess. . .I mean, I'm not against recycling, I think it's a good idea and all, I just don't seem to be that motivated to do it all the time. This sculpture makes me think more about it, and it makes me want to come here with all my paper, plastic and cans!
Hmmm, that's probably not gonna happen. . .it's probably not very earth-friendly to drive 25 minutes to recycle. . .
Well, at least I'm a good knitter. And you know what? I enjoy knitting in the round! Socks, sweaters, sleeves, i-cord. . .yep, that brings us "full circle" (ba-dum-bump! ching!) and back to the knitting!
Whew! I wondered for a moment if I would make it! But here we are! Sorry there are no knitting pictures. . .and no, I have not yet dyed the shawl. . .yep, I am a little chicken to dive into that one. How'd you guess? Maybe today is the day? In any case, off I go to knit on some socks, and maybe a sweater, and perhaps work on some things for the approaching nuptials of Snake and Dollface. . .around, and around, and around she goes. . .
Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!