So, I was wandering around Facebook the other day, just minding my own business, when I saw a link to the cutest little bunny finger puppets, and a place to buy a kit to make them. Sooooo super cute! I know, I know. . .I should have just gone back to the knitting, and minding my own business. . .but instead, I thought to myself, "Self! We have some colorful felt. . .and we have embroidery floss. . .and we have much yarn suitable for tiny cotton-tails!!!"
Yes, I often speak to and of myself in the third-person, plural. . .it's a gift, not a defect. . .
Anyway, "Self!," I says, "We should make some rabbits and take them everywhere with us until Easter!" So I did, and it was fun to watch them frolic around the fountain at church yesterday. . .
. . .and it was kindof cute when they wandered the vast kitchen counter while the ladies' bible study brewed their coffee!
What I did NOT count on was the level of mischief that a few felt bunnies can get into. I turned my back on them for a split second, and the next thing I know, they were playing chopsticks!
Before I could round them up, they all ran outside into the sunshine. . .
. . .and headed for the playground! It was madness, and I was barely keeping up!
They weren't showing any signs of fatigue, however, and the next thing I knew they were diving through piles of music, trying to find a drum solo for the purple one. . .they say he's got all the rhythm in the bunch. . .
I guess they're right, because he started to beat on those drums, and the mosh pit hopped right onto the drum set before I could stop them. . .it was far-out, man! And it was clear that I had totally lost control of this bunch. . .sigh!
Luckily, all that drumming and dancing did finally wear them down, and I was able to gather them all together again. Like a pile of tiny kittens, they all snuggled together, and took a nap. . .