Saturday, August 17, 2019

How Can You Tell?

How can you tell when our grand kids might be coming for a visit?

Well, it could be the knitted toys that start showing up, like a beagle with dangly legs...

...or a tiny window kitty.

Or it could be that the cats are getting nervous...

Maybe it is the heart-shaped ice I've been making?

It could even be the sign by our back door.

But I think the most telling tell, when the girls are on their way from a faraway state, is the soap. 

The gummy bear soaps have arrived, and the kids will be here soon! We are all so excited, and the 4-year-old may or may not be looking to see what kind of "trouble" she and Pop Pop can find on this visit...

With a house full of love for the next few days, I am going to cut this short, friends. There is still so much to be done! But I hope that you are having a good weekend so far, and that you are finding joy where you can.

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!
Wow! What a beard! Looks like trouble...

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