Saturday, August 31, 2019

You Never Know

You just never know, so be ready. 

You never know when a smiling, sitting still baby... gonna really start moving!

So be ready to grab those cheeks, even if you miss the picture!

You never know when lots of things are going to happen. 

This week, something unexpected happened, and a friend passed away suddenly. He had just turned 58 and buried his own father just days before. I grieve for his family and friends, and for myself...and the thing that really struck a chord with me was that you just never know which moment is going to be your last. If I knew for sure when that moment was coming, I could rest in that knowledge. "I don't have to be ready for 32 years, 6 weeks, 3 days and 47 minutes...I have time," I might think to myself. But I do not have that luxury...or would it be a curse? I mean, would I actually prepare, or would I put off the things I need to do for 32 years, 6 weeks and 2 days? I mean, we all procrastinate, right?

I try not to put things off, but each time someone I know is plucked from this life sooner than I think they should be, it is like a splash of cold water in my face followed by a punch to the gut. What if that was my husband? My child? Or me? Am I ready? Have I done what needs to be done, said what needs to be said, loved who needs to be loved? I am fond of saying, "I could step off a curb and be hit by a bus tomorrow. The information you need is in the green folder," but there is so much more to it than that, isn't there?

One more hug. 
One more I love you.
One more conversation.
One more phone call or text.
One more shared meal.
One more vacation.
One more prayer.

At some point, there will be no more me. At some point, there will be no more you. Are we ready? Probably not. Maybe we are never totally ready for that final goodbye, especially when we are the ones left behind. But you can be ready to go all the time, if you know where you are headed. Do you?

You know where I am going with this, I know you do, and I can never force you to believe what I believe. I would not try to force you to believe, because I know that I will never be powerful enough to change your mind if you disagree...and I will continue to love you, even though you may continue to disagree with me. But I believe that what I believe is the absolute truth, and I believe that you should at least consider it. Have all the details before you throw away the idea that God loves you, and that he sent his Son as the Way, the Truth and the that we can be forever connected with that love. 

If you have not read the book, read it. 
See for yourself. Ask questions...all the time.
It is a long book. Start soon, because you just never know, friends.

::Steps carefully off soapbox now, looking both ways for buses.::

Here I will say that you just never know what Pretty will say or do next, but you can be fairly certain that there will be knitting. After all, this guy is moving around, so we need to fill his world with all the pretty knitty toys and things!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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