Saturday, August 11, 2018

Sell My Kisses?

This week, I knitted some cuteness. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but TOOT! TOOT! Super cute!

Whenever I knit toys, I tend to post photos on social media, and I sometimes get comments asking how much I would charge to knit and sell another one. The giraffes were no exception. (See TOOT! TOOT! above) I love that my friends love my knitting, but I rarely knit for money, and here is why:

Knitting is my yoga. Knitting is my therapy. Knitting is my meditation and prayer time. Knitting is me-time, and Knitting is an expression of both creativity and love. When I finish knitting a toy, or a pair of socks, or a sweater, or whatever...there is a tangible part of me in it. The knitting is part of me, and there is a little love in every stitch. 

You see, knitting is a little like kissing for me. If I love you, I'll kiss you for free. If I don't, you really cannot pay me enough! And just like every kiss is a little different, so is every knitted gift. Some are quick pecks, and some are more involved. I kiss my grandma differently than I kiss my husband, and I never kiss strangers or sell my kisses.  Even if I love you, I may not kiss you often (or at all), and there are lots of reasons for that...which we will save for another post...maybe...

Many times, when I am knitting, someone comes to mind. Sometimes I start knitting with someone specific in mind. Most times, I am just knitting to knit, and the thing that comes off  my needles has become a friend along the way. How could I give away a friend that has seen me through a difficult season, or accompanied me during an emotional time? Still, sometimes I do. 

However, I do not sell friends. 

I have knit for profit a time or two through the years. What I found is that it takes away the everything that knitting is for me, and turns my great joy-maker into something I "have to do," a job to be checked off a list, drudgery. If knitting is a drudge, or makes me sad or anxious, why knit? I really do not need one more thing to stress about, so these days you cannot pay me enough to turn my happy little hobby into a ball of deadlines, expectations, and anxiety. 

If you have been on the receiving end of a hand-knit from me, it means that you have touched my heart, and I would like to touch yours with some yarny love. Knitting is love for you from me, and I cannot put a price on that love any more than I could charge you for a kiss.  

So, thank you friends for the compliments on social media, and thank you for understanding that I do not knit for profit. If you want cool knitted things, you know what I will do for you? I will gladly teach you to knit! Hit me up, and we will find a time to get together with some needles and yarn!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for those sweet stackable puppies! I'm glad you showed your love with knittables and not kisses! We appreciate the love.
