Saturday, February 1, 2025

Happy Things

Did you ever wear a sweater all day long, then find a hole when you got home?

Yeah, that happened last weekend. It was very sad, and I know that I can fix it, but my sweater is currently in timeout until I can face the repair process. In the meantime, rather than dwelling on this tragedy, I've moved to happy things! Like another pair of stripey socks,

three pair of double-knit mittens,

a colorwork hat,

and a tiny hamster, all knitted in the best of spirits!

I've also started my second pair of 2025 socks, and my new job is still going great!   

Yes, this year has started strong, and I've had more happy things than sad! Yesterday, I even started planning my cubicle-scape. Ive cleaned out sone desk drawers, and I've got loose plans roaming around my brain for some knitted decor...not trying to reign them in at! 🤣

Yes, I have plenty of ideas to keep my needles clicking and my whole self smiling! I hope you have things around you that make you smile, too!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit (and find your happy things) in Good Health!