Saturday, January 14, 2023

Bright Spots

It's been a hard week for some of the littlest Pretties, as the boys have had RSV. Everyone is getting better now, but there were... shall we say... moments?... for all of us! 

So today, let's focus on the bright spots! Like a sweater taking shape, 

and posing as a pile of colorful stiches between knitting sessions...

A box of yarn for an upcoming baby gift...

A winter bulb opening on the windowsill, bringing forth its lovelyness to all who enter...

A knitted heart-hug for a friend who is also having a rough couple of weeks (and a box of my favorite movie candy)

And, last but certainly not least, the last of the gingerbread, consumed by me just moments ago. The perfect midwinter, Saturday-afternoon treat!

I hope your week was good, and that you found plenty of bright spots along the way... especially if you trudged through any hard things. 

Whatever your week brought, I'm glad you've stopped in for a bit, so thanks for that! Now, go find some fun yarn, and Knit in Good Health! 


  1. Can't wait to see your finished sweater!! Hope the little ones get better quickly!

    1. Thanks! The boys are recovering nicely, but that RSV is nothing to sneeze at!
