Saturday, February 12, 2022

I Hope That You Are Proud of You, too!

Mr. Rogers used to sing me a song when I was little. 
I'm proud of you, I'm proud of you, I hope that you're as proud as I am.
Proud of you, I'm proud of youuuuu!
I hope that you are proud of you, too!

I know that "pride goeth before the fall," and all that jazz, but you know what? This week, I am proud of me! I don't know that I am as proud as Mr. Rogers was, but it has been a good week, and I have gotten through some hard things. Like this:

I found this on my desk. It crawled out from behind my wedding photo, and said, "Hey there, cutie. You look tasty," as it sized me up, licking its tiny chops. 

(Full disclosure, he-or-she said no such thing. But there was a voice in my head as soon as I saw this fat, fuzzy, dime-sized spider, and I am positive it was thinking along those lines.)

I'm proud that I did not scream or jump or wet myself when I saw it jump toward me. Instead, I got myself a container, scooped up the eight-legged wonder and deposited it in the winter wonderland that is the mulch under the church's hedgerow. Hence the dirty snow in the photo. 

After I returned to my desk, I looked him up to see how perilous my situation actually had been, and I am indeed glad to be alive. This was a Phidippus audax spider, maybe female (last photo, if you follow the link), and it's not at all dangerous. It is jumpy though! But I was brave, and she (he?) did not jump on me, or reappear on my desk before quittin' time. So, I'm proud of me!

I also finished a large-ish knitting project, but I'll have a hard time gifting goes with everything in my house!

And I made beautiful, sugar cookies with my fancy, new rolling pin! (Then I stashed the recipe in my cool, new recipe box, next to the cookie jar...yay!)

Yes, I am "on a roll," for sure. I'll try to not let it all go to my head. 

(Full disclosure, it may be too late! Lol!)

I hope you're getting things done that you can be proud of, too. I know you are stronger than you think you are, and you can do it! You could also take a nap, and gather some strength first, if that's the kinda Saturday you're having. You do you, and I'm proud of you, too!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit in Good Health!

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