Saturday, January 29, 2022

From Grandma's Kitchen

...with Love.

That's the title of this book that my daughter gave me for Christmas this year. She is a particularly gifted gift-giver, that one!

Jess knows that I love family...and food...making and sharing memories, often combining both. These last few years, she has come into her own in the kitchen, and she's started asking me to share some of our family's favorite recipes. She also knows that I love to write, so giving me a place to write down and share recipes and memories was a slam dunk, for sure. So much so that up until today, I hadn't figured out which of my treasured recipes would have the honor of the first page.

I'm not sure Delicious Scones are one of her favorites, but they sure are one of mine. They are also really easy to recreate, and it makes sense that the first recipe in the book should be a success, so scones it is!

While I don't remember where I originally found this recipe online, the name of the recipe was "Delicious Scones," just like I wrote on that recipe card...and they are! Sooooo delicious...especially with a little fruit or butter, a glaze or some clotted just can't really go wrong with them!

I've made these biscuit-like treats for parties, for holidays and for gatherings at church, and they are always a hit! Today's are plain, but I've added orange and cranberries, lemon and blueberries, apples and cinnamon and even strawberry jam to this recipe through the years. Sometimes I take out the sugar and add shredded cheese and garlic for a savory treat! So, after enjoying scones and strawberries for breakfast, I put this one in the book, and I hope that she gives it a try for her family! 

What will go in the book next? Will it be the dinner rolls? Easter bread? Christmas caramel? Something else? I don't know yet, but I do know that I will keep this book close to the kitchen while I cook this year. 

Where do you keep your treasured, family recipes? Have you shared them with your kids yet? If not, I hope you have plans to share them in some way! Some of my favorites are for foods that have been enjoyed for generations, and I love knowing that they will remain, even when I an eventually, inevitably gone.

So will the knitting, so I'm gonna sign out now to work on another baby blanket for the next member of the next generation! That's right, this good gift-giver is growing another grandchild for Pop Pop and Pretty, and we could not be more thrilled!

Thanks for stopping by, and Knit (and share your recipes) in Good Health!

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